How to create Cross-selling Products for Shopify store



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If you're just starting or running an eCommerce website, you'll want to know how to increase your average order value, improve customer retention, and generate more online sales. Cross-selling is considered an effective sales tactic today. Learn everything you need to know about cross-selling with EComposer and how to create a Cross-selling product to retain customers and increase your online profits.

What is Cross Selling?

Selling a current consumer a product or service in addition to what they initially desired is known as cross-selling. 

In e-commerce, Cross-selling products often appears as a recommendation under the product which the customer wants to buy and it is one of the effective sales methods, attracting many potential customers.


Why should businesses create Cross-selling Products?

Using Cross Selling are a sales technique favored by many businesses, because of the benefits it brings: 

2.1. Increase profitability

Most customers are usually impressed with Cross-selling Products when it is discounted. Businesses need to create a product discount deal when customers buy a product (combo). This makes customers think that buying in combos is cheaper. So instead of losing a sale, you just make less money from it overall while still increasing profitability. 

2.2. Increase customer loyalty

If you use the Cross Selling method on your products, you will show that your store has everything relevant to the product customers are looking for. As a result, customers will have a confidence in your store and gradually become loyal customers.

As long as you use Cross selling properly - don't recommend unrelated products - don't leave customers when they have questions, Cross selling will strengthen your relationship with existing customers. You must show that you are listening and trying to solve the customer's problem and you will succeed in winning the customer's heart.

2.3. Set your apart

There are many ways to cross-sell, either way your business needs to show its own personality, the right approach. Better use that technique to your selling advantage. Thereby customers will be impressed with the store and will come back often.

2.4. Increase referrals 

When you have loyal customers from Cross-Selling, customers will recommend your store or products to their relatives and friends. Therfore, not only are you getting leads, but you’re getting the best kind of leads—referrals.

How to display Shopify Cross selling Products

Currently, there are many apps that help you create Cross-sell products. However, not all applications meet the criteria of ease of use, enthusiastic support team, and reasonable prices.

EComposer is one of the few app that meets the above criteria. EComposer is an application that helps you build sites like Home Pages, Product Pages, Coming Soon Pages and so on. You only need to spend an amount from only $14.99/month, you can own yourself a treasure trove of extensions, enhancing the professionalism of your store. 

OK! Now let's follow these steps to create a Cross-selling product:

Step 1: Install EComposer - Landing Page Builder here 

Step 2:  Install Cross-selling product extension.

Click on the Extension icon/ Click “Add more” button under the extension tab.

In the search bar, search for "Cross Selling Product" and click "Install app".

Step 3: Set up Cross-selling products in EComposer.

Drop the extension on the page: Search for Cross-selling products in the extension box and drag the icon to the position you want to place in the page.

Choose the product you want: Double click on the box Cross-selling product you just created to show the edit section and select “change” or “select product” to edit or add the product as you like.

Custom editing: You can select any button in the editor to edit a Cross-selling product as you like.

4 Tips to build effective Cross-selling Products

4.1. Identify Related Items for Your Big-ticket Products

Select high-selling products in your strore or big-ticket products and pair with related products. Those products should be the products that the customer needs to enhance the features of the product they are looking for. This will make customers feel confused and quickly decide to buy more than one product.

4.2. Focus on the Total Price at Checkout

Customers always consider the budget when deciding to buy a certain product. In e-commerce, customers often consider whether to buy a product or not at the stage of payment of the total order. Grasping that mentality, businesses need to arrange the position and price of Cross-selling products so that they are reasonable in terms of both price and product quality.

You can consider making the price of the Cross-selling product equal to 10%-50% of the price of the main product when the customer buys both products. Customers will feel this is a great bargain and quickly decide to buy both products.

4.3. Create Limited-Time Offers

You create a sense of urgency for customers when they wonder. Usually, customers will be attracted to deals that they consider to be great deals and will finalize a sale very quickly when they see the offer period.

You can create an offer within six hours as a test to see if a customer wants to transact. Just don't set the timeline so short that it stresses them out, or so long that the offer can lose its urgency.

4.4. Use Social Proof to Your Advantage

When choosing to buy a product that has 2 stores selling at the same price, what would you do if you were a customer? Between two stores selling the same product at the same price, customers often choose the store with high reputation, high product sales and high positive reviews. Therefore, stores need:

  • Show sales of products
  • Show real-life reviews from past customers
  • Display user-generated visual content
  • Show expert reviews or product awards (if you have)

    The key goal is to gain the confidence of internet customers who are considering your offerings. You could include favorable internet reviews of your items to aid in cross-selling and boost revenue.


    Bottom line

    Cross-selling is both an important strategy to help you improve your sales and position in e-commerce, and it can also cause your store to lose performance. So you need to develop cross-selling products wisely.

    We hope the above article will help you understand Cross selling and how to create Cross-selling products. If you want more information or want to learn more about EComposer - Landing Page Builder, follow us at or click the notification icon located in the right corner of the screen.

