How To Edit Pages On Shopify: A User-Friendly Editing Guide


How To Edit Pages On Shopify: A User-Friendly Editing Guide

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In eCommerce, Shopify page editing is your secret weapon—a creative endeavor beyond mere customization. It's about sculpting a digital space that showcases your products and tells a compelling story. In this user-friendly guide, we show how to edit pages on Shopify quickly and easily. 

Stay with us as we explore the diverse landscape of Shopify pages, from the front-and-center homepage to the nuanced intricacies of product listings and blogs. Get ready to transform your storefront into a personalized, customer-attracting masterpiece.

Let's get started!

What Is Shopify Page Editing? 

Shopify Page Editing refers to modifying and customizing the content, layout, and design of web pages within a Shopify online store. This editing functionality allows users to tailor the appearance and information on various pages, ensuring alignment with the brand's identity and catering to the audience's evolving needs.

Shopify provides users with intuitive tools to edit different pages, including the homepage, product, collection, blog, and more. Users can change text, images, product details, and other elements through user-friendly interfaces like the Rich Text Editor. For those with coding expertise, Shopify also offers the option to edit pages using the HTML Editor, providing more granular control over the code.

Types Of Shopify Pages That Are Often Edited


(source: EComposer X-mas Homepage Template)

The digital facade of your online business, the homepage beckons potential customers with an inviting allure. As the initial point of contact, it holds the power to make a lasting impression. Imagine it as the front window of a brick-and-mortar store, beckoning passersby to step inside and explore.

Why Should Edit Your Homepage?

  • First Impressions Matter: Your online space should instantly captivate visitors like a physical store. A well-edited homepage sets the tone for a positive customer experience.
  • Visual Appeal is Key: The aesthetics of your homepage matter. Visual elements such as high-quality images, engaging graphics, and a harmonious color palette create an appealing first look.

Key Elements to Focus On:

  • Featured Products: Showcase your best or newest products prominently. These act as eye-catching displays in your digital storefront, drawing attention and encouraging exploration.
  • Promotions and Special Offers: Highlight ongoing promotions or special deals to entice visitors. Time-limited promotions instill a sense of urgency, compelling swift and immediate action.
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Guide visitors deeper into your store with a clear and compelling CTA. Whether it's to explore new arrivals, shop exclusive collections, or take advantage of a special promotion, make the next steps obvious.

Editing your homepage is about crafting a visual narrative that instantly communicates your brand's essence. Let's delve into the specifics of making your digital storefront not just an entry point but a captivating introduction to your unique brand story.

Read more: 15 Impressive Shopify Homepage Examples 

Product Pages

(source: EComposer Product Template)

Welcome to the enchanting realm where the magic truly unfolds—the product pages. Each item in your inventory boasts its stage, a dedicated space to shine and captivate potential buyers. Think of these pages as the heartbeat of your online store, pulsating with information, allure, and the promise of delightful discoveries.

Why Should Edit Your Product Pages?

  • Showcase Uniqueness: Just as each product is distinct, its dedicated page allows you to highlight its unique features, benefits, and story. Editing these pages ensures that your offerings receive the attention they deserve.
  • Informative Splendor: Detailed information matters. From the product title and description to pricing details and available variants, a well-edited product page equips customers with everything they need to make informed decisions.

Key Elements to Focus On:

  • Visual Symphony: Elevate your product presentation with a visual symphony of high-quality images and engaging videos. Enable customers to experience the product virtually, offering a thorough and immersive shopping encounter.
  • Compelling Descriptions: Craft compelling narratives that go beyond the basics. Describe how the product fits into your customer's life, addressing potential questions and concerns.
  • Pricing Transparency: Ensure clarity regarding pricing and the availability of any offered variations. Avoid surprises during checkout, ensuring a smooth and trustworthy shopping experience.

Product pages are your virtual sales representatives. Through thoughtful editing, you can transform them into compelling stories that resonate with your audience, turning browsing into buying and curiosity into conversion.

Read more: How to Create a High-Converting Shopify Product Page

Collection Pages

(source: EComposer Collection Template)

Collection pages are the carefully arranged sections of a boutique, each grouping together products that share a common theme or category. Whether it's the latest fashion trends or must-have accessories, collection pages are your store's organized showcase.

Why Should Edit Your Collection Pages?

  • Theme and Category Embrace: Collections are your store's narrative chapters. Editing these pages allows you to showcase your products within a cohesive theme, making it easier for customers to discover items that align with their interests.
  • Effortless Browsing: Customers seek simplicity. Well-edited collection pages streamline browsing, allowing visitors to navigate your offerings seamlessly. From "Men's Apparel" to "Accessories," each page provides a curated journey for your shoppers.

Key Elements to Focus On:

  • Thematic Consistency: Ensure that each collection page tells a story. Whether seasonal trends, specific product categories, or curated selections, maintain thematic consistency to create a visually appealing and engaging experience.
  • Visual Appeal: Just like in a physical store, aesthetics matter. Add captivating images and design elements to entice visitors. Showcase your products in a way that not only highlights individual items but also conveys the overall vibe of the collection.
  • Navigation Ease: Simplify the customer journey. Intuitive navigation, precise categorization, and strategically placed filters empower visitors to swiftly find what they're looking for, enhancing their overall shopping experience.

Editing your collection pages is about more than just organization—it's about storytelling and creating an immersive experience for your customers. 

Read more: 10 Effective collection page templates in Shopify 

Blog Pages

(source: EComposer Blog Listing Templates)

Beyond a digital diary, Blog Pages are dynamic tools for building relationships, sharing knowledge, and adding value beyond product listings. Each blog post unfolds on its dedicated page, offering a platform to share insights, industry updates, and stories that resonate with your audience.

Why Should Edit Your Blog Pages?

  • Engagement Beyond Sales: Blogs are the voice of your brand. Editing blog pages allows you to engage with your audience personally, fostering a sense of community and loyalty beyond transactional relationships.
  • Information and Authority: Establish your brand as an authority in your industry. Through well-edited blog posts, you can share valuable information, insights, and expertise that benefit your audience and position your business as a thought leader.

Key Elements to Focus On:

  • Informative Content: Edit blog pages to provide content your audience finds valuable. Whether it's how-to guides, industry trends, or behind-the-scenes stories, ensure each post adds substance and interest.
  • SEO Optimization: Blogs are not just about engagement—they're powerful tools for SEO. Optimize your content with relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and well-structured posts to enhance your site's visibility and drive organic traffic.
  • Visual Appeal: Just as with product and collection pages, the visual aspect is crucial. Incorporate images, infographics, and engaging visuals to make your blog posts visually appealing and shareable.

By editing your blog pages strategically, you transform them into a dynamic channel for communication, education, and community-building. 

Read more: 

Landing Page 

(source: EComposer Landing Page Template)

Landing Pages aren't just ordinary pages; they are strategic powerhouses meticulously designed for specific marketing campaigns. Landing pages act as the stage where visitors are invited to take a singular, focused action, be it making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or engaging in any targeted conversion.

Why Should Edit Your Landing Pages?

  • Campaign Precision: Landing pages are campaign-specific and tailored to a singular purpose. Editing these pages ensures alignment with your marketing goals, creating a seamless journey for visitors from the campaign to conversion.
  • Optimized Conversion Paths: Every element on a landing page plays a role. By editing these pages, you can optimize the layout, content, and visuals to guide visitors toward the desired action, maximizing the likelihood of conversion.

Key Elements to Focus On:

  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Landing pages are all about action. Edit your CTAs to be compelling, clear, and aligned with your campaign objective, leaving no room for confusion.
  • Compelling Visuals: Visual appeal is paramount. Use high-quality images, persuasive graphics, and a captivating design, ensuring visitors are informed and enticed to take the next step.
  • Message Consistency: From the ad that led them there to the landing page they arrived on, consistency is critical. Edit your landing pages to align with the messaging of your marketing campaign, providing a cohesive experience for your audience.

By editing your landing pages precisely, you transform them into conversion-driven instruments, ensuring every click from your marketing campaign leads to meaningful action. 

Read more: 

Password Pages

(source: EComposer Password Page Template)

Password Pages or Coming Soon Pages are often overlooked but undeniably essential. These pages serve as the virtual velvet ropes, controlling access to specific sections of your store. Password pages add an air of anticipation and privilege, whether an upcoming product launch or an exclusive members-only event.

Why Should Edit Your Password Pages?

  • Building Anticipation: Password pages set the stage for something unique. Editing them allows you to craft a teaser, generating curiosity and anticipation among your audience for what lies behind the virtual curtain.
  • Brand Consistency: Even in moments of exclusivity, your brand identity should shine. Customize password pages to align with your brand aesthetics, reinforcing familiarity and trust before customers enter the restricted area.

Key Elements to Focus On:

  • Engaging Teasers: Use password pages as a canvas for anticipation. Craft compelling messages, sneak peeks, or countdowns that leave visitors eager to unveil the hidden treasures on the other side.
  • Brand Visuals: Maintain consistency in branding. Customize the visuals of your password page to reflect your brand's identity, ensuring a seamless transition from the public-facing areas of your store to exclusive content.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: While exclusive, the purpose is to grant access. Ensure a clear and user-friendly call-to-action, guiding visitors on how to enter and become part of the privileged audience.

Editing your password pages is about creating an experience even before customers enter a restricted section. 

Read more: How to Create/Edit Coming Soon Page in Shopify?

Standard Page (About Us, Contact Us, Policy, FAQ, etc...)

(source: EComposer About Us Template)

Standard Pages are the foundational pages that shape the framework of your store, providing essential information and building trust with your audience. From sharing your brand story on the 'About Us' page to offering a direct line of communication on the 'Contact Us' page, these standard pages form the backbone of your customer experience.

Why Should Edit Your Standard Pages?

  • Brand Transparency: Standard pages are the windows into your brand's ethos. By editing these pages, you can ensure that your narrative is clear, transparent, and resonates with the values that define your business.
  • Customer Trust: Trust is built on transparency and accessibility. Well-edited standard pages, such as policies and FAQs, provide customers with the information they need, fostering trust and confidence in their interactions with your store.

Key Elements to Focus On:

  • Compelling Brand Story: On the 'About Us' page, tell a story that goes beyond the products. Edit this page to share the journey, mission, and values that set your brand apart, creating a connection with your audience.
  • Clear Communication Channels: The 'Contact Us' page is the bridge between you and your customers. Edit it to provide clear communication channels, making it easy for visitors to reach out with inquiries or concerns.
  • Policies and FAQs: Edit your policy pages to clarify essential matters such as shipping, returns, and privacy. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be a valuable resource, addressing common queries and enhancing the overall customer experience.

By meticulously editing your standard pages, you convey vital information and shape the narrative that defines your brand. 

Read more: 

How To Edit A Shopify Page - Step By Step Guide

Now that we've explored the diverse types of pages your Shopify store boasts. Let's dive into the practical steps of editing them. 

Step 1: Navigate to the Page Editor

Head to your Shopify dashboard, locate the Online Store, and click Pages.

Step 2: Choose the Webpage to Edit

Within the Page Editor, select the specific page you wish to enhance. This could be your homepage, a product page, or a standard page like Contact Us or FAQ.

Step 3: Customize the Webpage

Unleash your creativity by customizing the title of the chosen webpage. 

Dive into the heart of your chosen page. Edit the content, tweak settings, and make necessary changes to align the page with your current objectives and brand aesthetics.

Step 4: Preview Your Changes

Take a sneak peek at your masterpiece. Visit the live webpage on your online store to preview how your edits will appear to your audience.

Step 5: Save Your Edits

Remember the crucial 'Save' step. After refining the content and settings, hit the 'Save' button to ensure your changes are securely stored and ready to be showcased.

3 Tips For Editing Any Shopify Pages

Customizing any page is crucial in the competitive world of e-commerce. Don't worry if you're not tech-savvy—Shopify offers three straightforward ways to customize pages: through the theme's default settings, editing the theme's code, or using Shopify Third-party apps. This flexibility empowers you to create a unique brand image and enhance the user experience, boosting your sales.

Use Shopify Third-party Apps (Highly flexible, easy to do)

For a time-saving, less coding-intensive solution, consider utilizing page builder apps. These apps empower you to have control over page customization without heavy reliance on coding or external experts. Currently, there are many Page Builder Apps on Shopify, one example of which is EComposer Page Builder.

It is considered the Top #1 Shopify page builder because of its user-friendly UX UI. Also, it has many features that make building a store as easy as a piece of cake. 

Live drag-drop editor helps users visualize your page while building it using many elements. And if you want to combine different templates/sections, just copy and page everything. I love this function most since it is easy to use and time-saving. 

EComposer offers more than an unlimited collection of powerful integration extensions, providing a comprehensive solution to enhance your Shopify store. These built-in EComposer extensions help streamline performance improvements without needing multiple third-party applications. This unique advantage ensures a seamless and efficient experience for users looking for a comprehensive set of tools in a single platform. With EComposer, you can easily edit, design, or create new pages and save time.

Edit Default Theme Settings

While default theme settings in Shopify can vary based on your chosen theme, certain popular adjustments might be limited for your product page templates. Here are key considerations:

  • New Sections: Default settings may restrict adding new sections to product pages, limiting your ability to showcase detailed product descriptions, videos, or customer feedback.
  • Fixed Layouts: The default product page layout in Shopify typically features photos on the left and product descriptions on the right, and this layout might be fixed, restricting customization options.

If your customization needs involve minor tweaks within your theme's default settings, this method is ideal, requiring no coding expertise and offering the flexibility to make changes as needed.

Edit The Theme Code

Should the default settings of your theme fall short, delving into customizing your theme code becomes a powerful avenue. 

  • Coding Languages: Shopify themes are primarily written in Liquid, a coding language tailored for Shopify. Additionally, Shopify themes incorporate HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Proficiency in these coding languages is crucial for effective theme code editing.
  • Preparation: Before initiating any changes, ensure that a backup copy of your theme is created to facilitate the easy reversal of modifications.
  • Developer Support: Guarantee that your adjustments adhere to the support policies of theme developers. Adequate support is typically provided for issues arising during the editing process.
  • Considerations for Hiring a Shopify Expert: Hiring a Shopify expert is an option for those who need more confidence in their coding abilities. Assess the pros and cons before considering time-saving, expertise, and after-sales support.

Choosing between manual coding and user-friendly page builder apps depends on your comfort level with coding and your urgency for real-time adjustments.

10 Things You Need to Know When Editing Page Layouts and Designs in Shopify

The arrangement and aesthetics of your Shopify pages are pivotal in grabbing your audience's attention and ensuring sustained engagement. Within this part, we will explore the intricate craft of tailoring Shopify page layouts and designs to fashion an online store that is visually striking and seamlessly user-friendly.

Choose A Suitable Theme

Embark on your design journey by establishing a solid foundation—an impeccable theme selection. Shopify generously provides an array of free and premium themes, each a masterpiece in its own right, showcasing distinctive styles and customization possibilities. Dedicate time to immerse yourself in the diverse themes available, carefully choosing one that harmonizes seamlessly with the essence of your brand and the nature of your products. Remember, your chosen theme is the canvas upon which your digital storefront will come to life, setting the tone for a captivating and immersive user experience.

For a broader spectrum of choices, explore Shopify's premium themes. Navigate to the Shopify Theme Store or explore options on platforms like Themeforest. Here, you'll discover a plethora of themes with varying price points. Standout options such as Kalles, Gecko, Unsen, and more await, offering unique features to enhance your online store's visual appeal and functionality.

Read more: Top 21 Best Shopify Themes

Use Flexible Sections

Unleash your creativity seamlessly with Shopify's dynamic sections feature. Nestled within the theme customizer, these sections empower you to add, reorder, and personalize elements such as reviews, galleries, testimonials, and more. This intuitive tool transforms the customization process, allowing you to craft a bespoke layout that aligns perfectly with your vision—no coding expertise is required. 

Enhance your editing capabilities in Shopify by customizing sections using the platform's default options or incorporating impressive and visually appealing sections through third-party apps like EComposer Page Builder.

Build Eye-catching Headers And Footers

Consider headers and footers as the visual bookends guiding your online narrative. Take charge of these critical sections to infuse your brand's identity seamlessly. Customize them precisely—add your logo, thoughtfully arrange menu options, include contact details, and strategically place links to pivotal pages. 

Consistency is the key; ensure these design elements harmonize across all pages, crafting a visually cohesive and delightful browsing experience for your visitors. 

Optimize Pages On All Devices

In an era where a growing number of users engage with websites via mobile devices, it's paramount that your Shopify store seamlessly adapts to varying screen sizes. Prioritize mobile-friendliness by leveraging the mobile view feature in the theme customizer. 

This ensures that your meticulously crafted layout retains its impressive visual appeal and functionality, delivering a consistently exceptional experience regardless of the device your audience chooses. Optimize your pages for all devices to meet the diverse preferences of your tech-savvy clientele.

Create Advanced Styles With Custom CSS

For the design virtuosos familiar with coding nuances, Shopify extends the canvas through custom CSS. Unleash your creative flair by delving into the realm of custom coding, enabling you to intricately fine-tune elements such as fonts, colors, and spacing. 

This avenue grants you the power to craft a distinctive and truly unique visual identity, elevating your online store to stand out in the digital landscape. Explore the possibilities of creating advanced styles with custom CSS to achieve a design that resonates with the essence of your brand.

Read more: How to edit Shopify Section CSS

Combine High-quality Images And Videos

Tap into the potency of visual storytelling by seamlessly blending high-quality images and engaging videos within your Shopify pages. To ensure a swift and seamless browsing experience, go the extra mile—optimize your media files for web use. This harmonious combination of striking visuals captures attention and weaves a narrative that brings your brand's story to life, leaving a lasting impact on your audience.

Ensure A Balance Between Aesthetics And Usability

Harmony between aesthetics and usability is paramount. While captivating visuals are crucial, it's equally essential to prioritize usability. Navigate the delicate balance in your layout and design choices, ensuring they enhance user experience. Guarantee straightforward navigation, intuitively categorize products, and provide easy access to crucial information. 

Striking this equilibrium ensures that your online store not only delights the eyes but also seamlessly guides visitors through a visually pleasing and effortlessly functional journey.

Conduct A/B Testing For Optimization

Embark on continuous refinement by integrating A/B testing into your layout and design optimization strategy. This method involves crafting two versions of a page, each with subtle variations in layout or design elements. 

You gain valuable insights by closely monitoring the performance metrics, particularly conversions and user engagement. This empirical approach allows you to fine-tune your pages, ensuring that every aspect of your layout and design is optimized for maximum impact and effectiveness.

Stay Consistent With Brand Elements

Forge a path of trust and recognition by embracing unwavering consistency in your branding. Infuse your Shopify site with the essence of your brand—utilize the designated color palette, typography, and imagery consistently across all pages. This commitment to uniformity fosters a cohesive and memorable brand identity.

Respect All Feedback

Create a culture of continuous improvement by welcoming feedback from trusted sources and, importantly, your customers. Their insights are invaluable, offering perspectives on how your layout and design can evolve. Embrace the feedback loop, fostering an environment where every comment is considered. Through continuous iteration, refine your pages to meet and exceed your audience's evolving needs and expectations. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I edit items on Shopify?

Editing items on Shopify is a straightforward process. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Log in to your Shopify admin panel.

Step 2: Click on "Products" in the sidebar.

Step 3: Locate the product you want to edit and click on its title.

Step 4: In the product editor, modify various details

Once in the product editor, you can adjust various information, including the title, description, price, images, and variants. Make the necessary modifications to tailor the product information to your preferences.

2. How do I edit a page in HTML Shopify?

Editing a page in HTML on Shopify involves a few specific steps. Here's a guide to help you navigate this process:

Step 1: Log in to your Shopify admin panel.

Step 2: Navigate to "Online Store" and select "Pages".

Step 3: Find the page you want to edit and click on its title.

Step 4: Click on the HTML icon to switch to HTML mode.

Editing HTML requires precision and care. Exercise caution and back up your code before implementing significant changes to avoid unintended consequences.

3. How do I edit a page's content in Shopify?

Editing a page's content in Shopify offers two distinct methods, providing flexibility based on your preferences. Here's how you can approach it:

  • Using the Rich Text Editor: The Rich Text Editor is most Shopify users' default and user-friendly option. Log in to your Shopify admin panel and navigate to the desired page. Then, click on the page's title to access the editor, where you can utilize the Rich Text Editor for easy and intuitive content modifications.
  • Using the HTML Editor: If you prefer more granular control over the code, Shopify offers the HTML Editor as an alternative.

Whether you opt for the simplicity of the Rich Text Editor or the precision of the HTML Editor depends on your familiarity with coding and the level of control you desire. Shopify accommodates both approaches, ensuring that users can edit the content of their pages in a manner that aligns with their individual preferences and expertise.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it – the comprehensive guide to mastering the art of page editing on Shopify! Your journey from novice to expert begins here. Embrace the freedom to tailor your store's pages with finesse, from the simplicity of default settings to the intricacies of coding mastery. Remember, each edit is a stroke of creativity, a step closer to a uniquely branded storefront. 

Stay inspired, stay bold, and may your Shopify pages reflect the brilliance of your brand. Happy editing, and may your Shopify adventure be as dynamic as your imagination!
