Shopify Statistics 2024: Key Insights and Trends


Shopify Statistic 2024

Table Of Contents

Shopify was launched in 2006 and quickly became a force driving global e-commerce. With coverage in over 175 countries, Shopify has become the go-to solution for millions of businesses worldwide.

In this post, we will provide Shopify Statistics 2024, which includes key insights and trends that are indispensable for merchants. Embark on this enlightening journey to learn about Shopify's impact and success!

Overview of Shopify Statistic 2024

Shopify Statistics

In 2024, Shopify continues to assert its dominance and pivotal role in the global online shopping landscape through outstanding performance across various fronts.

Financial Strength and Strategic Vision

Financially, the company exhibits robust growth and strategic foresight, which is evident in significant monthly recurring revenue (MRR) increases and a notable rise in gross profit and payment volume (GPV). 

With a solid financial foundation boasting billions in cash and investments, Shopify is well-positioned to seize new opportunities and swiftly navigate economic fluctuations.

Market Expansion and Global Reach

Expanding its services to merchants and bolstering subscription revenue, Shopify solidifies its position as an industry leader and innovator in eCommerce. 

This expansion is supported by a substantial and engaged network of merchants and shoppers, contributing to an enhanced global shopping experience marked by increased sales conversion and customer acquisition.

Impact and Innovation

Shopify's impact and innovation are unmistakable. Its continuous support of commerce worldwide has resulted in billions in sales and reinforced its resilience, innovative approaches, and significant influence on the global retail landscape. 

Crucially, Shopify remains instrumental in facilitating the success of thousands of merchants and processing transactions worth billions, thereby driving transformative change in online shopping and shaping the future of eCommerce.


Starting March 2024, the Shopify $1 for 3 Months offer has been discontinued, replaced by the new trial plan: Shopify's $1 for 1 Month. Now, you can experience Shopify's features for just $1 during your first month!

This time-limited deal is available across all Shopify plans, including Starter, Basic, Shopify, and Advanced (excluding Shopify Plus), allowing you to explore eCommerce effortlessly. Seize this exclusive chance to kickstart your online store journey and expand your business on Shopify while maintaining low initial costs.

Get Shopify 1 Month Trial Now!


Shopify Statistic 2024

Shopify Quarterly Reports 

1. As of September 30, 2023, Shopify's Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) surged by an impressive 32%, reaching a substantial $141 million.

Why Important: Shopify's climbing Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) signals a robust and widening customer foundation. This uptick in revenue holds pivotal significance, serving as a barometer of the company's fiscal robustness and resilience, especially within a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform like Shopify.

2. As of September 30, 2023, Shopify boasted a substantial $4.9 billion in cash and marketable securities.

Why Important: Shopify boasts formidable financial prowess, with a whopping $4.9 billion in cash and marketable securities. This financial cushion empowers the company to explore new ventures, navigate economic fluctuations, and efficiently tackle immediate operational hurdles.

3. During the third quarter of 2023, Shopify saw a noteworthy 25% year-over-year rise in revenue, reaching a substantial $1.7 billion.

Why Important: A remarkable 25% year-over-year surge in revenue, totaling $1.7 billion, stands as a testament to Shopify's robust business vitality and the effective implementation of its growth strategies.

4. In 2023, Shopify disclosed a total revenue of $7.1 billion, marking a 26% surge from the preceding year.

Why Important: The growth rate underscores Shopify's knack for amplifying revenue streams through its diversified business model, encompassing subscription and merchant solutions. This reflects the company's ongoing expansion and highlights its resilience amidst the cutthroat landscape of ecommerce.

5. Shopify experienced a robust 36% increase in gross profit compared to the preceding year.

Why Important: A striking 36% surge in gross profit from the preceding year underscores Shopify's enhanced efficiency and profitability. This uptick holds notable importance for shareholders, illustrating Shopify's adeptness at converting heightened sales figures into tangible profits.

6. Total $2.15 billion, Shopify's revenue from the USA, Canada, and Mexico combined.

Why Important: Raking in $2.15 billion in revenue from the USA, Canada, and Mexico shines a spotlight on Shopify's robust foothold in North America, a pivotal hub for eCommerce.

7. Shopify has facilitated the sale of approximately $812 billion worth of products.

Why Important: Enabling the sale of goods totaling around $812 billion underscores Shopify's profound influence on the global e-commerce landscape, cementing its position as a cornerstone player in online retail.

8. In 2024, Shopify caters to a staggering 700 million buyers, playing a pivotal role in the global e-commerce scene by contributing $319 billion.

Why Important: Catering to a staggering 700 million buyers in 2024 and contributing $319 billion to global eCommerce underscores Shopify's extensive outreach and the profound impact of its platform on global consumer expenditure.

9. The Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) surged notably by 22%, hitting $56.2 billion, marking a $10.0 billion upswing from the third quarter of 2022.

Why Important: This indicates the platform's burgeoning scale and the rising worth of transactions it facilitates.

10. In the fourth quarter, the Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) experienced a 23% rise, reaching $75.1 billion.

Why Important: This uptick showcases the mounting trust and dependence on Shopify's platform among merchants globally, signifying robust user engagement and the platform's efficacy in streamlining e-commerce transactions.

11. The Gross Payments Volume (GPV) expanded to $45.1 billion, constituting 60% of the Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV).

Why Important: The significant portion of Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) handled via Shopify Payments highlights the platform's adeptness in providing smooth payment solutions, enriching consumers' shopping journeys, and streamlining merchant transaction procedures.

12. During the fourth quarter of 2023, Shopify's operating loss narrowed to $50 million.

Why Important: Minimizing operating losses underscores Shopify’s dedication to attaining profitability and its strategic endeavors in streamlining operations, which is pivotal for long-term sustainability and bolstering investor confidence.

13. Shopify experienced a notable uptick in Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), rising to $149 million from $110 million in the previous year.

Why Important: A 35% surge in Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) signifies Shopify's thriving and expanding subscription community, spotlighting the platform's adeptness in retaining current merchants while drawing in fresh ones. This uptick is a pivotal gauge of Shopify's consistent revenue flow and capacity to expand, mirroring high merchant satisfaction and platform reliability.

14. Gross profit dollars surged by 28% to $3.5 billion in 2023, compared to $2.8 billion in 2022.

Why Important: The rise in gross profit dollars signals Shopify's enhanced profitability, underscoring the company's prowess in refining operational efficiency and cost management. This expansion highlights Shopify's robust revenue-generating capabilities and triumphant strategies for sustaining profitable growth.

15. Shopify witnessed a 20% increase in Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV), contributing $38.7 billion to a total of $235.9 billion.

Why Important: This expansion denotes a robust surge in sales across Shopify's platform, pointing towards a vibrant ecosystem of merchants and consumers. The 20% uptick in GMV highlights Shopify's burgeoning influence in e-commerce.

Shopify Sales & Customer Statistics

16. Analysis of data from more than 100,000 Shopify eCommerce stores reveals that 50.3% of website traffic originates from mobile devices.

Why Important: It mirrors the rising tide of mobile commerce and underscores the significance of mobile-friendly online stores in reaching a broader customer audience.

17. During the Black Friday-Cyber Monday (BFCM) period, over 17,500 entrepreneurs achieved their first sale on Shopify, while more than 55,000 merchants encountered their highest-selling day on the platform.

Why Important: These figures underscore Shopify's role in nurturing new businesses and its capacity to assist existing businesses in reaching noteworthy sales achievements.

18. At 12:01 p.m. EST on Black Friday, shopping activity reached its zenith, hitting $4.2 million per minute.

Why Important: This demonstrates the platform's capability to manage large transaction volumes and its significance in facilitating major shopping events.

19. During the Black Friday-Cyber Monday (BFCM) weekend, Shopify merchants achieved a record-breaking $9.3 billion in sales.

Why Important: This accomplishment emphasizes Shopify's effectiveness in bolstering high-volume sales events and its importance in the global retail calendar.

20. Approximately 1.75 million merchants are active on the Shopify platform.

Why Important: With around 1.75 million merchants operating on Shopify, the platform showcases a vast and diverse community of sellers. This extensive user base signifies Shopify's broad appeal to businesses and entrepreneurs worldwide.

Shopify Merchant Market Presence and Growth Statistics

21. The workforce at Shopify comprises over 11,600 individuals.

Why Important: With over 11,600 employees, the company's workforce underscores its operations' magnitude and dedication to delivering comprehensive support and innovation in the eCommerce arena.

22. Shopify commands a significant presence in the US eCommerce platform sector, claiming a third of the market share.

Why Important: Shopify's leading presence in the US ecommerce platform industry, commanding a third of the market, solidifies its top position in a fiercely competitive sector. With a market share of 32%, Shopify has outperformed other major platforms.

23. Shopify boasts a network of 780 experts. 

Why Important: Shopify's network of 780 experts highlights the depth of its ecosystem, providing specialized services and support to its extensive array of merchants.

24. Presently, more than 59,000 websites have adopted Shopify Plus.

Why Important: Using Shopify Plus underscores the platform's scalability and attractiveness to larger enterprises. With over 59,000 websites currently leveraging Shopify Plus, including a substantial portion in the United States, it demonstrates Shopify's ability to accommodate both small and large-scale online stores.

25. The USA is the largest market, hosting 60% of all Shopify stores. The United Kingdom and Australia are closely followed, and Californians represent the largest group among Shopify's American clientele.

Why Important: In Shopify's largest US market, 60% of all Shopify stores are situated in California, with a notable uptake. This clustering in the US, especially in a state renowned for its tech-savvy populace and businesses, underscores Shopify's robust market presence and the value it provides to American retailers.

26. Shopify accommodates merchants hailing from 175 countries worldwide.

Why Important: The breadth of Shopify's merchant base, reaching 175 countries, underscores the platform's versatility and worldwide appeal.

Shopify eCommerce Trends Statistics

27. The Shopify app store offers over 10,000 apps for users.

Why Important: The Shopify App Store is expansive and caters to diverse needs, encompassing store design, checkout optimization, marketing, and beyond. It empowers merchants to customize their stores according to their unique needs.

28. More than 85% of Shopify merchants use apps to enhance their performance.

Why Important: Most Shopify merchants utilize apps from the Shopify App Store to boost their store's performance. These apps span various functionalities, from store design to marketing and accounting.

29. Leading product categories encompass apparel, health and beauty, and home and garden, with an average transaction cart value of $108.12.

Why Important: These categories mirror consumer preferences and spending patterns on the platform.

30. Sales conducted through Shop Pay experienced a 60% year-over-year surge.

Why Important: This suggests its increasing popularity and efficacy as a payment option.

31. Shop Pay checkouts boast a 72% higher conversion rate than standard checkouts.

Why Important: Shop Pay substantially enhances conversion rates by surpassing regular checkouts. The inclusion of this feature alone has the potential to elevate lower funnel conversions.

32. A mere 7.77% of Shopify stores opt for third-party drop shipping to deliver their products.

Why Important: This indicates that most Shopify merchants prefer other fulfillment methods.

33. Except for Shopify Lite, all Shopify plans allow sellers to offer their products in up to 20 languages.

Why Important: Shopify offers comprehensive language support, with all plans except for Shopify Lite enabling merchants to sell in up to 20 languages. This functionality is essential for merchants targeting a global audience.

34. Apparel is the most sought-after category among Shopify stores, with 500,000 specializing in clothing.

Why Important: This demonstrates the platform's robust foothold in the fashion industry.

35. Shop Promise enhances sales conversions by as much as 25%, offering customers dependable delivery information and guaranteed dates, thereby fostering trust.

Why Important: This offering cultivates customer trust and enriches the shopping experience.

Shopify Sustainability & Climate Statistics

36. The Planet app was utilized by over 6,500 Shopify merchants, fulfilling more than 7 million carbon-neutral orders.

Why Important: This showcases the platform's ability to involve its merchant network in sustainability efforts, making carbon-neutral shipping accessible to a wide range of businesses.

37. Shopify allocated $31.8 million towards supporting 27 suppliers focused on carbon removal.

Why Important: This significant investment showcases Shopify's proactive approach to endorsing innovative solutions to decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

38. During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Shopify offset delivery emissions by acquiring 73,273 tCO2e of credits.

Why Important: This move underscores the company's dedication to tackling the environmental repercussions of heightened e-commerce activities during peak shopping.

39. Shopify produced more than 12,000 MWh of clean energy through a power purchase agreement with Berkshire Hathaway Energy Canada.

Why Important: This initiative aligns with the company's endeavors to support renewable energy production, lessen dependence on fossil fuels, and mitigate environmental impact.

40. Shopify pledged $2.5 million to Twelve for producing low-carbon aviation fuel.

Why Important: Twelve specializes in low-carbon aviation fuel production. Shopify's investment underscores its commitment to backing emerging technologies to curb carbon emissions in sectors like transportation, which play a substantial role in greenhouse gas emissions.

Sources of Top Shopify Statistic

Final Thoughts

As we conclude our look at Shopify Statistics 2024, it's clear that Shopify's impact on global ecommerce is undeniable. We've highlighted key insights and trends, but check out our blog post for a deeper dive. Thanks for joining us on this journey through Shopify's evolution. Stay tuned for more updates on the ever-changing world of ecommerce. Happy selling!
