Omnisend vs. Klaviyo: Which Is Better for Email Marketing?

Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

Table Of Contents

This in-depth analysis will compare Omnisend vs. Klaviyo in terms of important features, costs, and intended users. When you're done, you'll be able to pick the email marketing tool that fits your business goals and budget the best.

Let's start!

Omnisend Overview

Omnisend’s website.

Omnisend's website.

Omnisend is an omnichannel marketing automation tool for eCommerce that works with email. It also supports SMS, push notifications, WhatsApp, pop-ups, segmentation, and dynamic connections with Google and Facebook ads.

Klaviyo Overview

Klaviyo’s website.

Klaviyo's website.

Like Omnisend, Klaviyo is a marketing automation tool that helps organizations send marketing emails to attract, acquire, and build their client base by automating eCommerce SMS and email marketing. It has become one of the most well-known email marketing platforms worldwide, with over 70,000 paying users.

Designed for Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento sites, it boasts several sophisticated capabilities, including drip campaigns, email automation, pre-built reporting, and segmentation.

Quick Comparison Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

Let's quickly compare Omnisend vs. Klaviyo below before getting into the feature-by-feature analysis:





Ease of Use & Interface

Simple navigation

More intuitive navigation


Email Marketing Tools

More e-commerce features

Powerful A/B testing


Email Builder

More design freedom (custom HTML)

User-friendly drag & drop builder


Segmentation & Targeting

Extensive segmentation options

Easier for beginners


Subscriber List

More creative capture tools

Basic capture tools


Automation Workflows

Omnichannel workflows (SMS, Push Notifications)

User-friendly visual builder


A/B Testing

Limited testing options

More comprehensive testing


Third-Party Integrations

Fewer integrations

More & deeper integrations


Customer Support

24/7 email & live chat

Email support (limited)



Generally cheaper, unlimited subscribers (free plan)

More expensive, capped subscribers (free plan)

Omnisend (for smaller budgets)

Overall, the result is Omnisend 6 - Klaviyo 3.

Feature Breakdown

Let's examine each aspect in depth so you can make a confident decision. We'll compare their advantages and disadvantages in many areas, including usability, email marketing tools, subscriber list development, automation capabilities, and more.

After reading this comparison, you should be able to determine which platform's features best suit your email marketing objectives and financial constraints.

Ease of Use & Interface

Both Klaviyo and Omnisend have user-friendly interfaces, so you don't need a coding degree to get started.

As you can see in the image below, Omnisend's navigation menu is horizontal. It's still simple but not as intuitive as Klaviyo's navigation.

Omnisend's dashboard.

Omnisend's dashboard.

Klaviyo's navigation (in the image below) has a menu on the left. This makes it easy to find information even if you are new to email marketing tools.

Klaviyo's dashboard.

Klaviyo's dashboard.

So, who's going to win? Overall, we rate Klaviyo's navigation friendlier for first-time email marketing tool users.

Email Marketing Tools

We'll briefly go over the features unique to Omnisend vs. Klaviyo email marketing in the table below:




Drag and Drop Builder

Email Templates

✅ (Fewer)

Mobile Responsive

A/B Testing

Saveable Content Blocks

Product Recommendations

For specific categories only.

Unique Discount Codes

Product Picker (add products directly from the store)

Videos in Emails

Custom HTML

We have considered Omnisend an e-commerce superstar compared to Klaviyo. They have features like a product picker tool that allows you to easily add products and suggest personalized recommendations for your customers. Plus, you can create unique discount codes, a must-have for any online store.

In our opinion, Klaviyo is e-commerce-friendly but not perfect. It lets you add products directly from your store, which is fantastic. However, creating unique discount codes seems like a hassle.

So, who will win? We voted for Omnisend because it has more features specifically designed for email marketing tools.

Email Builder

The Omnisend platform might have fewer templates than Klaviyo. However, Omnisend gives you much more freedom to design your emails exactly as you want.

Omnisend’s builder editor.

Omnisend's builder editor.

The Klaviyo platform allows you to add basic text, images, buttons, and the like. It's easy to use but might feel limited for those who want something more flashy.

Klaviyo’s builder editor.

Klaviyo's builder editor.

We think Klaviyo's builder is friendly and easy to use, but Omnisend allows users to customize HTML, while Klaviyo does not support this feature. So, in this round, Omnisend won in our minds.

Segmentation & Targeting

Let's break down this whole segmentation thing for email marketing in the table below.




Segmentation Categories

Profile data, Campaign activity, Shopping behavior.

Basic: Campaign-related, Shopping-related, Other.

Data Points for Segmentation

Over 500.

Not specified.

Pre-built Segments

Extensive library.

Not specified.

Segment Builder Helper

Google Retargeting Integration

Native integration.

Requires additional tools.

We love Omnisend's segmentation feature because we can layer these categories to create specific groups. They categorize segmentation into clear buckets:

  • Customer info includes things like age, location, or buy history.
  • Campaign engagement helps you target people who are already interested in what you have to offer.
  • Shopping behavior lets you personalize your emails.
Omnisend's segmentation feature.

Omnisend's segmentation feature.

Another bonus for Omnisend? You can easily sync your segments with both Facebook and Google retargeting ads. In contrast, Klaviyo requires extra tools for Google retargeting.

Klaviyo's system uses more basic terms, which might be easier to grasp at first, but it doesn't offer the same level of detail.

Klaviyo's segmentation feature.

Klaviyo's segmentation feature.

Overall, we vote for Omnisend to win this round. They provide additional alternatives and tools to reach your target audience online.

Subscriber List

Building an email list is like you need people to whom you can send your outstanding campaigns; otherwise, it's like creating a fashion show without an audience. Klaviyo and Omnisend help you do this in several ways.




Popups (immediate, exit-intent, on specific URL)

Landing Pages

Gamified Popups (e.g., Wheel of Fortune signup)

Pre-built Signup Form Templates

Klaviyo and Omnisend have popups little boxes on your website that capture email addresses. You can even set them to show up at specific times, like when someone is about to leave your site.

Both platforms also have pre-built signup forms you can customize with your brand colors and fonts. This saves us time and ensures your forms look polished.

Klaviyo’s pre-built signup forms

Klaviyo's pre-built signup forms.

However, with Omnisend's "Wheel of Fortune" signup, people can spin a wheel for a discount in exchange for their email address. Super creative and engaging, right?

Omnisend's "Wheel of Fortune" signup element

Omnisend's "Wheel of Fortune" signup element.

In our opinion, Omnisend takes the crown for email capture. They have more features and creative tools to entice visitors to join your list.

Automation Workflows

Until now, Klaviyo and Omnisend have been evenly matched, with Omnisend having a slight lead. But when it comes to automation workflows, things change a bit.




Omnichannel Workflows

Emails, SMS/MMS, Browser Push Notifications, App Push Notifications.

Emails, SMS/MMS, App Push Notifications.

Cart Abandonment Tracking

Tracks abandoned carts based on user-adding products (cookie-based).

Tracks abandoned carts only at the checkout step.

Advanced Automation Features

Conditional Splits

Trigger Splits

Both Klaviyo and Omnisend let you create automated email sequences. They are a series of emails that get sent out automatically based on something a customer does (or doesn't do).

We think Klaviyo's visual workflow builder is user-friendly. You just need to fill in the information according to the instructions. Klaviyo's AI-powered automation feature will help you create workflows in 15 seconds.

Klaviyo's automation workflows

Klaviyo's automation workflows.

But Omnisend is even better than it! They allow you to include other channels in your workflows besides email, like text messages (SMS) and even browser push notifications (those little pop-up messages you see on some websites).

Omnisend's automation workflows

Omnisend's automation workflows.

Another perk of Omnisend is its cart abandonment tracking. They can tell when someone adds something to their cart but doesn't check out, so you can win customers back before they're gone.

Klaviyo, on the other hand, only tracks abandonment at checkout.

Honestly, it's another close call. The best choice depends on your needs. If you focus on a user-friendly interface, Klaviyo might be a good fit. But if you want the most options for reaching your customers, Omnisend has the edge.

A/B Testing

Klaviyo and Omnisend let you do A/B testing, but Klaviyo is the more powerful tool. With Klaviyo, you can test almost everything, from the sender name and subject line to the time you send your email and the color of your call-to-action button.

Klaviyo’s A/B testing

Klaviyo's A/B testing.

Also, Klaviyo's AI optimization test feature gives you a lot of data to work with and helps you fine-tune your emails for the most significant impact.

Klaviyo’s test types

Klaviyo's test types.

Omnisend's A/B testing is more limited. You can only test the important sender name and subject line, which don't give you the same level of detail as Klaviyo.

We assess that Klaviyo has promptly applied AI technology and is somewhat superior to Omnisend. So, Klaviyo won this round.

Third-Party Integrations

The next point to consider is how well these platforms play with others. This is called integrations, which means how well they connect with other tools you might use.




Number and Depth of Integrations

Fewer and shallower

More and deeper

Example Integration

It may require a third-party tool (e.g., Octane AI with Alloy Automation)

Automatic integration (e.g., Octane AI)

Overall Integration Strength



Klaviyo is the clear winner here. They have a more comprehensive range of integrations and are also more profound. This means Klaviyo can talk to more tools and share information more smoothly.

For example, let's say you use Octane AI to create quizzes for your website. You might want to send targeted emails based on someone's answers on the quiz. With Klaviyo, the Octane AI data would automatically flow into Klaviyo.

But with Omnisend, you might need a separate tool called Alloy Automation to act as a middleman.

Customer Support

Let's face it: sometimes you get stuck. That's why good customer support is essential for any software.

Both platforms have tutorials and knowledge bases to answer your burning questions. This is like having a self-service help desk you can access anytime.

However, Omnisend shines with its customer support.

Klaviyo offers email support for the first 60 days, but after that, you're on your own unless you upgrade to a paid plan. This can be frustrating if you run into an issue later on.

In our opinion, Omnisend wins the customer support round, hands down. While Klaviyo's initial support is helpful, the lack of long-term options is a drawback.

Omnisend vs. Klaviyo Pricing & Value




Pricing Plans

  • Email Plan.
  • Email and SMS Plan.
  • Standard Plan.
  • Pro Plan.

500 Contacts

Email Plan ($20/mo)

Standard Plan ($16/mo)

1,000 Contacts

Email Plan ($30/mo)

Pro Plan ($59/mo)

5,000 Contacts

Email Plan ($100/mo)

Pro Plan ($59/mo) with extra charges apply.

10,000+ Contacts

Email Plan ($175/mo)

Pro Plan ($59/mo) with extra charges apply.

Free Plan Emails/Month

Up to 500

Up to 500

While both platforms offer free plans with similar email limits, Omnisend's free plan wins due to the unlimited subscriber limit (with capped monthly reach).

For paid plans, Omnisend is generally cheaper, especially for those with smaller or mid-sized contact lists. However, Klaviyo might be better for those with larger budgets who need advanced features.

Who Is Omnisend Best Suited For?

Based on what we know about Omnisend vs. Klaviyo, we believe that Omnisend is the better email marketing tool for you if you answered "yes" to any of the points below.

  • Marketers or businesses that are tight on budget.
  • Businesses that focus on building an extensive email list.
  • Ecommerce businesses like Shopify.
  • Marketers who want a user-friendly platform with omnichannel capabilities.
  • Those who value customer support because Omnisend offers 24/7 customer support on their free plan.

For many companies, particularly those looking to establish an online store, save money, or develop a large email list, Omnisend is a great option. Try it to see whether it helps your email marketing.

Read more:

Who Should Consider Klaviyo?

If you're e-commerce businesses with substantial budgets, then Klaviyo is right for you. They robust features and advanced analytics come with a higher price tag.

Also, companies focused on A/B testing and optimization can choose Klaviyo. Their platform offers extensive testing capabilities to refine email campaigns for maximum impact.


We hope that this breakdown has helped you navigate the world of email marketing tools. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to think about what you need and try both platforms (most of them have free plans!).

Also, you can read more:

For detailed comparisons and reviews, visit our blog for extensive information!
