12+ Tips for Get & Increasing Sales on Shopify in 2024


increase shopify sales

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According to Insider Intelligent, 21.2% of retail transactions will be online by 2024. So much competition—how to increase Shopify sales? Don't stress. To get more sales from Shopify, you're at the right place. Here are 12 strategies to boost traffic, conversions, and income this year.

Why Aren't Sales On Shopify Increasing?

Why Aren't Sales On Shopify Increasing

Despite your hard work, commitment, and time, your Shopify store's sales have remained the same and are decreasing. But don't worry! Many eCommerce businesses struggle with it, and the frustration may be tremendous. The good news is that it all starts with a thorough investigation of the problem's origins:

  • Lack of Traffic: Insufficient internet traffic is often the leading cause of low sales. No visits, no customers. Ineffective SEO, marketing, or social media exposure might cause this.
  • Ineffective Website Design: The primary reasons websites fail include user-unfriendly design, sluggish page loading, needing to be mobile-friendly, obsolete design, absence of critical functionality, and inconsistent content. These features are essential for a good website experience and favorable user interactions.
  • Product Page Issues: Causes of product page difficulties include technological flaws, browser incompatibility, design mistakes, poor product management, data errors or omissions, sluggish page loading, security issues, and external system integration. Fixing the problem requires finding and fixing its cause.
  • Insufficient Marketing Efforts: Targeting the wrong customers, limited budgets, lack of a marketing plan, fierce competition, ineffective marketing campaigns, lack of analysis and measurement, lack of customer value, brand differentiation,...can lead to inadequate marketing efforts.
  • Neglecting Competitors: The eCommerce environment changes quickly. You need to monitor competition and adjust to industry developments to avoid lagging.

In the following chapters, we'll discuss these problems in further detail and suggest approaches to reviving your Shopify sales.

How to Increase Shopify Sales?

How To Increase Shopify Sales

In the ever-changing eCommerce market, increasing Shopify sales is a continual goal. This part will show you how to get more sales on Shopify. We aim to provide 12 practical, proven recommendations to improve your eCommerce experience. 

From product listing optimization to social networking, we can help:

1. Optimizing Sales Products

According to Shopify's sales research, user experience, product quality, and product descriptions are crucial. Your Shopify product listings are your storefront, the first impression shoppers have. 

Now, pretend you're looking for a new pair of running sneakers online. You come across two listings:

  • One features a single picture, a simple title, and a price.  
  • Another offering contains high-resolution photos of the shoes from several perspectives.  The shoe's features, materials, and advantages are thoroughly explained. 

Are you more inclined to choose one? 

Customers may make educated purchases with detailed product listings. Trust is established, concerns are answered, and anxiety is lessened. Ensure your ads are clear and complete with information for more conversions and fewer cart abandonments.

Effective Product Listing Examples

Let's look at the CleanShadeStyle fashion store's product page, developed by Ecomposer, employing appealing, easy-to-use themes even for non-designers.

  • Product Title: "CleanShadeStyle Black Hoodie - Timeless Black Comfort".
  • Images: Additional high-resolution hoodie photos are included. These photographs show the hoodie from all aspects.
  • Comprehensive Description: The description claims the hoodie is made of a high-quality cotton blend for comfort, durability, and softness.  The hoodie's roomy style allows layering and movement.
  • Customer Reviews: This section offers good consumer reviews, confirming product quality and performance.
Effective Product Listing Examples via EComposer Landing Page Builder

A good product listing educates, engages, and develops trust. You can increase traffic and purchases on your Shopify shop by optimizing your product listings similarly.

2. Implement Shopify SEO Strategies

Implement Shopify SEO Strategies

Search engine optimization is crucial in online retail's competitive environment. 

"SEO makes the difference between a successful store and a failed one." - Tim Seidenspinner, Co-founder of Cariloha. 

Indeed, to boost Shopify search rankings results like Google, you need to use SEO, which stands for "Search Engine Optimization." If you're like most people while searching for anything online, click on one of the first few results. Your customers do, too.

Let the following research data convince you:

  • As many as 81% of shoppers seek items on search engines before buying. SEO helps Shopify shops rank higher in search results, boosting sales.
  • Over 90% of Google users search and click on the first page. Thus, strong search rankings help Shopify shops reach more clients.
  • Organic traffic and lower marketing expenditures for Shopify shops are increased via SEO. According to data, clients from natural channels convert more than customers from paid advertising channels.

SEO tactics place your shop among the top results, attracting organic (unpaid) visitors. This is vital since organic traffic—people actively searching for your products—is generally the most lucrative.

On-Page and Off-Page SEO Techniques

Let us divide SEO into two critical groups:

In on-page SEO, you optimize website elements. You must carefully choose keywords and position them in product names, meta tags, and URLs to make sense. This includes image optimization and a user-friendly website structure. Improving these on-page elements, you're helping search engines understand your content, which may boost rankings.

In contrast, off-page SEO. This part of SEO involves off-site activities to increase search results. Backlinks from reputable sites are the goal of off-page SEO. High-quality backlinks show search engines your content is valuable and deserves higher rankings. Search engine visibility may be significantly improved through off-page SEO.

These two SEO aspects boost Shopify shop rankings and organic visitors. On-page SEO makes your website well-structured, keyword-optimized, and user-friendly. Off-page SEO increases your reputation and authority with search engines through high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. This collaboration enables organic traffic and Shopify shop exposure.

Shopify SEO Applications And Tools

Now, let's explore tools and programs that simplify Shopify SEO:

  • Shopify SEO Apps: Shopify has a variety of specialist SEO applications to help you with your optimization journey. These applications are platform-specific, making them easy to incorporate into your shop. Some common choices are:
    • SEO Manager: It manages meta tags, picture alt text, and structured data for on-page SEO. It may also discover and repair broken links, which hurt SEO.
    • Plug-in SEO: This easy-to-use tool offers Shopify shop optimization tips. It finds SEO problems like duplicate content and missing meta tags and provides apparent solutions.
  • Google Analytics: Each internet business should use Google Analytics, a powerful, free tool. We need website traffic and user activity information. Google Analytics lets you observe which keywords drive visitors, which pages receive the most traffic, and how people navigate your company. Gold for SEO strategy enhancement is information.
  • Google Search Console: Search Console, another free Google service, helps you monitor search results. It shows Googlebot's assessment of your site and highlights flaws that might hurt your ranking. Addressing these issues may boost your site's search rankings.
  • Yoast SEO: This Shopify-integrated SEO software offers full on-page SEO features. Its content analysis, XML sitemaps, and breadcrumbs improve your Shopify store's search rankings.

By improving on-page and off-page SEO, these tools and software may boost your Shopify store's search engine rankings. These SEO solutions may help eCommerce organizations increase organic traffic and rankings.

3. Leverage Social Media

Leverage Social Media

People exchange tales, discover new items, and connect in a crowded market. Now, take that image and translate it into the digital realm. Social media makes eCommerce a dynamic place where relationships become conversions. The way we buy, learn about new products, and make choices has been revolutionized by social media. 

According to an ICSC research, 86% of Gen Z customers think social media influences their purchasing choices. 

Like current markets, people from different backgrounds share, interact, and shop. Thanks to the expansion of social media, companies may more easily communicate with consumers all around the globe. Relationship and trust building are equally as important as straight sales.

In this part, we won't discuss the finer points of social media theory. We're sharing concrete tactics, real-world stories, and insights to help your eCommerce company use Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Strategies for Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok

Social media is big and dynamic, needing platform-specific solutions. Don't capture butterflies with a fishing net. Each social media network has strengths. Thus, your strategy should reflect them:

Facebook: Sharing Stories and Building Bridges


Facebook is a welcome digital community where you may revisit old friends and establish new ones. Being a center for community and storytelling is vital for any business. Consider organizing a quiet event in your tastefully designed business to traverse this social terrain.

The first step is establishing a professional and appealing Facebook Page and creating a virtual storefront for your brand.

Then, engage your audience by publishing fascinating material that weaves your brand's story and includes client testimonials, like inviting them in for a talk.

Finally, use Facebook's advanced targeting capabilities to brighten your digital store's entryway, targeting the correct audience and establishing a feeling of belonging.

Instagram: The Visual Storefront

Instagram is an ever-changing digital art museum emphasizing aesthetic appeal. Your approach should focus on developing an appealing shop to enhance your exposure on this platform.

Like showing art in a museum, your postings should showcase your items in their finest light. However, Instagram Stories are interactive storefront displays that show your everyday company operations or promote limited-time offers.

Gucci's Instagram

(image source: instagram.com/gucci/)

Importantly, hashtags are digital neon lights that draw attention. Like a neon sign attracting clients to your business, relevant hashtags help your content get found and reach more people.

TikTok: Quick and Catchy

Like a social media flash mob that happens suddenly, TikTok is all about quick, interesting material. To succeed on this platform, adapt to its quick pace: like street dance, make short, catchy videos. 


To keep current, join trendy tasks or make your own, like attending a local festival procession. Participate in the TikTok community by replying to comments, duetting with other users, and joining the experience, like a dynamic street performance.

4. Run Targeted Advertising Campaigns

Run Targeted Advertising Campaigns

In eCommerce's busy environment, brand visibility may make or break you. Exactly, that's why focused ads are essential. Like erecting a billboard on a famous street, paid advertising is necessary, but this section won't explain why. Instead, we're getting into actual methods to help your advertising reach the Right Audience:

  • Define Your Ideal Customer: It's like listing your ideal party guests. They are who? What are their hobbies, habits, and demographics? Knowing more helps you customize adverts.
  • Use Audience Segmentation: Consider splitting your gathering into smaller groups, such as music and foodies. Audience segmentation lets you tailor adverts to specific client groups.
  • Leverage Remarketing: Imagine a partygoer who liked your wares but departed. Remarketing is like a personal invitation to return. This is a friendly reminder that your shop is open.
  • A/B Testing: Try several party themes and decorations to discover which produces the most smiles. A/B testing lets you test various ads to identify the best one.
  • Ad Scheduling: Just like you wouldn't party at 3 AM, don't broadcast advertising when your audience is least engaged. Ad scheduling lets you show adverts when your audience is online.

If you use these tips, you'll be like a party host who knows how to make everyone feel welcome. People who click on your ads will likely buy something because they will reach the right people at the right time.

5. Leverage Email Marketing

According to a VentureBeat Insight study, email marketing returns 38 USD for every $1 spent. Imagine directly contacting your clients with tailored greetings, special deals, and exciting information.  Email marketing provides that in eCommerce. We'll skip explaining why an email list is essential—it's like a fan club. 

Consider automated drip marketing as mild nudges that lead subscribers on a customized path. A personal shopping assistant ensures visitors get the correct information immediately.

Behavior-based emails work like a shop manager, watching consumer behavior and providing support. If consumers abandon their shopping, an automatic reminder containing the abandoned products may be delivered quickly.

  • Email list segmentation is like splitting your fan club into new and loyal members. You may customize content and offers for each group, making your messaging more relevant.
  • Personalized emails are like emotional birthday cards for friends. To make clients feel appreciated and noticed, they use their names, propose things based on browsing history, and present material that matches their interests.
  • A/B testing is like trying on dresses to find the right one. To find your audience's favorite subject lines, content, and send times, experiment.

When you use automation and tailoring in your email marketing, you're not just sending messages but talking to your readers one-on-one. It's like having your most loyal consumers with you, getting what they need, increasing conversions, and building lasting connections.

6. Offer Discounts and Promotions

"Deep discounts drive massive sales volumes in short periods." - Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon.

Offer Discounts and Promotions

Who doesn't love a good deal? Regarding discounts and promotions, the world of e-commerce knows all too well the psychology behind them. Here, we won't discuss why people love discounts—it's like finding a treasure. Instead, we'll discuss successful marketing and discount management solutions:

Tools For Managing Discounts

With these tools, you can handle discounts and promotions quickly:

  • Shopify Discounts is a feature exclusive to Shopify customers that allows you to set up specials for future dates and various times.
  • Discountify is like having a personal discount assistant since it allows you to create new discount kinds and adjust existing ones easily.
  • TrustPulse's real-time purchase alerts and social proof increase urgency and complement discounts.
  • Klaviyo is your email marketing solution for segmentation and tailored discounts to boost conversions.
  • The Wheel of Popups interactive spin-the-wheel game lets consumers win offers and make their discounts enjoyable.

With these tools, you may successfully manage discounts and create an engaging and exciting consumer experience, increasing sales.

7. Improve Shopify Customer Experience

Customer experience is essential in the fast-paced world of eCommerce. It's not enough to have great products—you also need a welcoming store that makes people want to return. PwC found that 86% of consumers would pay extra for excellent service. 

Your website is your virtual storefront. Thus, its usability is like a well-organized, easily navigated shop. Customers will stay longer and buy more if they feel comfortable in your business. So don't wait to learn some valuable tips we give you on how to navigate and speed up your site.

How to improve site Navigation and Loading Speed?

Make your Shopify shop user-friendly to succeed. Imagine your website as a large mall with clear signs. A simple navigation menu with well-defined categories helps clients discover what they need fast. Like a shop clerk, a visible search bar helps consumers find things quickly.

Focus on speedy loading to engage consumers. Slow loading is like a lengthy checkout queue, which may frustrate consumers and drive them away. Optimize pictures, utilize a trustworthy server, and activate browser caching to speed up your site.

Mobile optimization opens your shop to everyone. Make your website responsive and appear suitable on smartphones and tablets.

Finally, create user-friendly product pages that look like shop displays. These pages need good graphics, informative information, and strong calls to action. These tactics make your Shopify store a welcome, user-friendly shopping location that boosts consumer satisfaction and return visits, assuring its success.

8. Focus on Mobile Optimization

In today's fast-paced e-commerce world, the future of purchasing is in your hands. 

Google discovered that 53% of mobile consumers leave slow-loading pages. From Adobe's e-commerce trends study, mobile purchasing is at an all-time high, which keeps it at the top. In 2022, 21% of mobile device users used retail shopping apps many times daily and 35% numerous times weekly.

Mobile optimization is like opening your business to mobile clients Now, we'll focus on mobile user experience recommendations to get started.

Recommended Mobile User Experience

Recommended Mobile User Experience

Top priority: Responsive design. It's like making the clothes in your shop fit different events. If you want your website to be easy to use on smartphones, tablets, and computers, it should have a flexible design that changes automatically to fit different screen sizes. 

Responsive design via EComposer Landing Page Builder

Additionally, rapid loading is essential. Mobile users, like busy people, can't wait. Compress photos, reduce extraneous features, and choose a reliable hosting provider to speed up your website. Use Google PageSpeed Insights to identify improvements.

Similar to a small store, smartphone displays should be simple. Make navigation simple with a hamburger menu or quick-access buttons. Ensure product categories and the shopping basket are accessible.

Offering Apple Pay, Google Pay, and mobile-optimized credit card processing can help you reach mobile consumers. Mobile checkout simplicity helps enhance conversions.

Improving pictures for mobile devices is very important. Portable displays are smaller, but picture quality should be good. Compress photos like WebP to speed up loading without compromising quality.

Finally, simplify forms to improve usability. If clients must fill out paperwork, make it easy. Limit needed fields and use email and phone number auto-correction.

9. Monitor and Analyze Shopify Store Data

"Collecting data isn't enough. Analyzing data is the key to maximizing profits." - Zara founder Amancio Ortega.

Michael Bloomberg also said this:  "Don't trust your senses. Trust the data."  

As eCommerce advances, data may aid your Shopify store's success. So, we're discussing Google Analytics and Shopify's essential analytics:

Google Analytics

Use Google Analytics to guide your eCommerce success. It provides valuable data about website users, activity, and marketing campaign performance. This tool lets you monitor visitors to your online business, revealing its reach. You may evaluate direct, organic, and paid channels to find the most popular traffic sources. User behavior—page views, length of stay, and drop-off points—can reveal site optimization opportunities.

Google Analytics

(image source: analytics.google.com)

Additionally, Google Analytics lets you track eCommerce objectives like transactions and newsletter sign-ups. Following these goals lets you evaluate your strategy and improve your eCommerce efforts.

Shopify's Analytics Tools

Analytics tools come with your Shopify business, giving you complete insight into performance and sales trends. These techniques aid storage optimization.

Critical measures like total sales, average order value, and conversion rate can be tracked to get a quick picture of your store's performance. For educated judgments, this data is essential.

Tracking sales channels lets you understand which platforms boost sales, improving your multichannel sales strategy.

These technologies provide consumer location, device use, and referral sources. This information is crucial for targeting the proper audience with marketing.

Discover best-selling goods and effectively manage your supply with thorough product and inventory data.

Shopify's Analytics Tools

(image source: Shopify)

These analytics tools help you analyze consumer behavior, identify areas for development, and make educated choices to improve your Shopify store's success. Use these tools as a compass and map for eCommerce.

10. Expand Your Shopify Product Line

Growth in eCommerce involves both ascending the ladder and adding rungs. Diversifying your Shopify product range may enhance sales and revive your shop. We won't linger on diversification's advantages; you know it's like adding new components to your success recipe. Instead, let's look at successful expansions to encourage you:

  • Apple's entry into the wearable electronics industry with the Apple Watch created a seamless environment and increased consumer loyalty. As an online bookshop, Amazon moved into cloud computing with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and developed Amazon Prime for streaming services, consolidating its tech prowess and profitability.
  • Nike, known for its athletic shoes, capitalized on fashion trends and became a lifestyle brand by adding athleisure and sports gear. 
  • Etsy, which initially sold handmade crafts and antique things, intelligently expanded to include digital downloads to meet the rising demand for digital products and provide a complete platform for unique, creative goods.

These successes provide lessons for your path. These examples show how broadening your product range may boost consumer engagement, revenue, and market share, whether adding complimentary goods or entering new markets. Explore new perspectives and offers to grow your Shopify shop.

11. Collaborate with Influencers

Nielsen's analysis of influencer marketing showed that consumers who saw influencer advertising had 80% brand recall and 9-point increases in brand affinity and buy intent

Influencer marketing is Shopify's secret weapon for increasing sales. You already know the power of influencer marketing; it's like having a close buddy endorse your business. We'll get right to it by discussing influencer recruiting and partnership suggestions.

First, define your target demographic, like booking the appropriate band at the correct location. It's critical to establish your target consumers' hobbies and beliefs and then look for influencers whose following are similar to this group.

Also crucial is influencer credibility. Influencer credibility must be assessed similarly to how only some things that glitter are gold. This includes evaluating follower engagement, authenticity, and brand fit. Social Blade may aid evaluation.

Setting clear expectations is analogous to preparing for a performance. To minimize confusion, clearly define your partnership expectations, including content development, publishing schedules, and pay.

Success as an influencer depends on authenticity. Let influencers express their authentic experiences with your goods by providing them with creative freedom to produce content that connects with their audience.

Like a music festival lineup, diversifying your approach is crucial. Work with many influencers to reach distinct niches in your target audience to avoid putting all your influencer eggs in one basket.

Finally, influencer networks like AspireIQ, Influencity, and Upfluence are essentially talent agencies for influencer marketing. These platforms make locating, verifying, and working with influencers easier, improving influencer marketing.

12. Stay Updated with eCommerce Trends

Change is the only constant in eCommerce. Since you know eCommerce is like sailing in a sea with fluctuating winds, we won't dwell on it. Let's focus on information resources and platforms to remain ahead:

  • Consider eCommerce industry blogs the history. Well-known websites like Shopify Compass, BigCommerce Blog, and Practical Ecommerce keep you updated with regular news, case studies, and expert opinions.
  • Social media groups are fundamental, much like how busy online markets are. Discuss trends, ask questions, and learn from peers and professionals in eCommerce by joining Facebook and LinkedIn groups.
  • Podcasts provide an auditory trip for eCommerce fans, like radio broadcasts. eCommerceFuel, The Unofficial Shopify Podcast, and My Wife Quit Her Job provide in-depth conversations, interviews, and practical advice.
  • Webinars and online courses are eCommerce classrooms. Coursera, edX, and LinkedIn Learning provide eCommerce, digital marketing, and other courses.
  • Industry reports are eCommerce treasure maps. Statista, eMarketer, and Nielsen reports on eCommerce trends and consumer behavior are reliable.
  • Shopify Community and Reddit's eCommerce subreddit are eCommerce experts' town halls. Ask questions, exchange experiences, and learn from a broad seller community in these forums.
  • Google Trends helps you understand current trends. It tracks changes in search interest for certain subjects over time, allowing you to spot specialized trends.

You'll stay current on eCommerce trends with these tools. In the fast-changing world of Internet shopping, being updated is essential. By learning and adapting, you may use changing trends to enhance Shopify sales and confidently navigate the digital marketplace.

What Boosts Shopify’s Top Sales?

What Boosts Shopify’s Top Sales

After reading the 12 suggestions above, you should understand the critical nature of conversion rate optimization.

Customers are drawn to and trust websites with good design. Researchers at ResearchGate found that beautiful design increases the chance of consumers visiting an ad and staying on a website. Rising transfer rates can happen as a result.

Also, optimizing the user experience (UX) is critical. BigCommerce claims that simplifying the shopping experience may lower cart abandonment and boost revenue. A successful user experience builds trust and brand loyalty, promoting repeat business.

Additionally, LinkedIn says that better design and user experience can boost sales rates by as much as 400%. User experience also depends on page loading speed. According to Google, fast website load times lower consumer attrition and boost conversion rates.

Boost Sales With A Conversion-Focus Shopify Web Design

No doubt, running an eCommerce company is a delicate balance. It takes effort and money to make your Shopify business stand out online. Hiring an agency to build a website might cost thousands. Finding an easy-to-use product page builder is another issue. There are lovely Shopify themes, but customization is needed. Advertising may have cost you a lot but yielded nothing.

As a typical pain point for many company owners, EComposer Landing Page Builder changes the game.

EComposer Landing Page Builder

Think of a tool that streamlines website construction and delivers unmatched versatility. Get more Shopify sales without breaking the bank or losing your sanity with EComposer. Quickly build any page type or section using EComposer's interactive drag-and-drop editor. Landing page, homepage, collection page, product page, blog layout, cart page, footer, coming soon page, 404 error page, or theme section—EComposer has you covered. Imagine having eCommerce design's Swiss Army knife at your fingertips.

collection page via EComposer Landing Page Builder

Ready to join Shopify's top sellers? eCommerce success is yours with EComposer.

FAQs About Get More Shopify Sales

1. Is It Hard To Get More Sales On Shopify?

No, it isn’t. Selling on Shopify is easy but takes time, effort, and e-commerce understanding. Success requires focusing on numerous vital criteria.

First, choose your specialty. Selecting a company specialization helps you understand your target audience and how to advertise your product or service. Then, build your online shop using Shopify, a powerful and straightforward tool. Your shop should load fast and be mobile-friendly.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps clients locate you on Google. Write great blogs, product descriptions, and how-to videos to retain consumers.

Choose a memorable domain name and logo to stand out from the competitors. You should also run marketing initiatives to attract consumers. Maintaining stock and providing exceptional customer service requires efficient product and inventory management.

Finally, utilize Google Analytics to analyze website performance and find new business prospects. A well-planned strategy and ongoing shop improvement may make Shopify selling effective.

2. Why Am I Getting Clicks But No Sales On Shopify?

There are many reasons why your Shopify site is gaining traffic and hits but no purchases. It is critical to examine and develop your website to ensure that it maximizes the conversion of visitors into sales. 

  • Product-market fit issue: Salesforce reports that 80% of customers appreciate a company's experience above its products. So, if your items may not appeal to or address your target audience's problems. Audience research and product refinement are required.
  • High prices: According to PPC Hero, shoppers compare retail pricing on their phones to online deals to find the best deal. Too-high pricing compared to competitors or perceived value can deter buyers. 
  • Poor page conversion: Problems with product pages or website text may limit conversions. Check your pages' clarity, attractiveness, and usability.
  • Shipping costs: Baymard Institute found that 49% of shoppers leave their basket due to excessive checkout prices. 
  • Payment issues: Difficult, confusing, or limited payment options could stop checkouts. 

Thus, assess your product positioning, online conversion optimization, and buyer trust development to uncover gaps that prevent visitors from becoming customers. Raising sales by testing and modifying aspects.

3. How Quick Should My Shopify Shop Be?

Websites should load in 1-2 seconds. When load time exceeds 3 seconds, 53% of mobile site visitors are abandoned. So, you should optimize your Shopify site speed to make it quick. Choose a dependable hosting provider, use moderate and correctly sized pictures, and eliminate redundant apps. Prefer CSS and JavaScript code and employ page performance optimization tools for testing and enhancement. This will keep your website speedy and ready to provide clients with the finest shopping experience.

Here are some helpful website speed suggestions:

  • Up to 75% of your web pages' weight is images. Gainless compression using TinyJPG or TinyPNG reduces picture size without compromising quality.
  • Broken links for pictures, CSS, and JS files affect site performance by increasing HTTP requests. You can use Broken Link Checker to delete them.
  • Sometimes, 404 mistakes make sites run more slowly. Fix internal links and reroute defunct ones.
  • Replatforming to Shopify Plus gives you 99.98% uptime and 2.97 times quicker storefronts than competing SaaS platforms.


The methods in this post will determine your success in the ever-changing eCommerce industry. You can increase Shopify sales in 2024 by implementing these 12 ideas and building a successful eCommerce firm that adapts, innovates, and converts.

Remember that there are many techniques to increase brand exposure and popularity. Improved listings, product diversity, and customer satisfaction please customers. Email marketing, targeted advertising, and data analysis give insights and customization.

And EComposer is an excellent option for helping you put the above recommendations into action.



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