11+ Effective Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Shopify Store FREE


How to drive traffic to Shopify stores

Table Of Contents

Did you know 87% of online shoppers begin their journey with a search engine? 

It's not just about attracting visitors; it's about crafting a digital experience that turns casual browsers into devoted customers. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey through practical ways to drive traffic to your Shopify store.

Whether you're on a budget or ready to invest, we'll unveil strategies that boost visibility and amplify sales. Explore proven free and paid strategies to attract visitors and transform them into loyal customers. Let's navigate the traffic landscape and supercharge your Shopify store for unparalleled success! 

What is Shopify store traffic?

Shopify store traffic refers to the number of visitors, or potential customers, who navigate and interact with a particular online store hosted on the Shopify platform. This traffic is a crucial metric for the success of an e-commerce business, as it indicates the level of interest, engagement, and potential conversions the store is experiencing.

Understanding Shopify store traffic involves analyzing various sources, such as direct visits, organic searches, social media referrals, and paid advertising. Tracking and interpreting this data provides insights into the effectiveness of marketing strategies, the appeal of products or services, and the overall user experience.

Shopify store traffic is not just about quantity but also quality. The goal is not merely to drive significant visitors but to attract individuals genuinely interested in the products or services offered. Analyzing traffic patterns, sources, and user behavior helps store owners optimize their online presence, improve marketing efforts, and boost sales and conversions.

Why is traffic a key success factor of Shopify stores?

Traffic is a key success factor of Shopify stores

Increase Visibility

Higher traffic enhances the visibility of your Shopify store, making it more likely for potential customers to discover your products or services. This increased exposure is essential for attracting a broader audience and standing out in the competitive online marketplace.

Enhance Conversion Opportunities

More traffic means more potential customers interacting with your store. This increased engagement provides more opportunities for conversions, whether making a purchase, signing up for newsletters, or engaging with your content. A robust flow of traffic directly contributes to a higher conversion rate.

Improve Marketing ROI

Analyzing traffic sources helps you understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. You can optimize your marketing strategy by identifying which channels bring in the most traffic. This leads to a more efficient allocation of resources, ensuring a higher return on investment (ROI) for your marketing endeavors.

Positive User Experience

A well-trafficked store often indicates a positive user experience. Visitors are more likely to stay and explore when they find your site engaging and easy to navigate. This positive experience encourages immediate sales and fosters customer loyalty, returning visitors for future transactions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits

Search engines consider traffic a signal of a website's relevance and popularity. This improves your ranking on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find your Shopify store. In turn, a higher volume of traffic positively impacts your store's SEO.

Informe Decision-Making

Traffic analytics provide valuable data that can inform strategic decision-making. By understanding customer behavior, preferences, and popular products, you can make informed decisions about inventory, marketing strategies, and overall business direction. This data-driven approach enhances your ability to meet customer expectations.

Sustain Revenue Growth

The ultimate goal of any Shopify store is revenue generation. Increased traffic directly correlates with more sales opportunities, contributing to sustained revenue growth. A consistent traffic flow ensures a steady stream of potential customers, creating a foundation for long-term financial success.

In summary, each of these elements plays a crucial role in shaping the success and longevity of a Shopify store in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Types of traffic to your Shopify stores

types of website traffic

Traffic sources refer to the various channels or origins users access and visit your Shopify stores. These sources can provide insights into where website visitors come from, helping you and marketers understand the effectiveness of your online stores and marketing efforts.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic comes from search engines when users discover your Shopify store through relevant search queries. This type of traffic is unpaid and results from your site's visibility in search engine results. Optimizing your store for search engines (SEO) is crucial for attracting organic traffic.

Direct Traffic

Direct traffic occurs when users visit your Shopify store by directly entering the website URL into their browsers. This can happen when customers have already visited your site, bookmarked it, or are familiar with your brand and navigate directly to your online store.

Referral Traffic

Referral traffic is generated when users click a link to your Shopify store from another website. This consists of links from social media platforms, blogs, or other websites. Building partnerships, engaging in influencer marketing, or maintaining an active social media presence can increase referral traffic.

Social Media Traffic

Social media traffic originates from users clicking links to your Shopify store shared on various social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest. Engaging content, promotions, and effective social media marketing strategies can drive significant traffic from these platforms.

Paid Traffic

paid traffic to shopify stores

Paid traffic is generated through online advertising efforts. This can include pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, display ads, or social media advertising. Merchants pay for each click or impression, and this type of traffic results from targeted advertising campaigns to reach specific audiences.

Email Marketing Traffic

Email marketing traffic comes from users clicking links in promotional emails, newsletters, or personalized marketing messages. A well-crafted email marketing strategy can drive traffic by enticing recipients to visit your Shopify store for exclusive offers, product launches, or relevant content.

Affiliate Traffic

Affiliate traffic is generated through partnerships with affiliates or influencers who introduce your products or services. Visitors click on affiliate links and purchase, which will increase affiliate traffic. Affiliate marketing programs can effectively leverage the reach of influencers to drive traffic.

Campaign or Promotional Traffic

Campaign or promotional traffic is specific to targeted marketing campaigns. This can include traffic generated from special promotions, sales events, or exclusive offers. Creating a sense of urgency or exclusivity encourages users to visit your Shopify store during these campaign periods.

Understanding the different types of traffic to your Shopify store is essential for tailoring your marketing strategies. By diversifying traffic sources and optimizing for each type, you can create a well-rounded approach to attracting targeted audiences and converting them into loyal customers.

How to get FREE traffic to your Shopify stores

Optimize for Search Engines (SEO)

How to drive traffic to Shopify stores by SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) includes practices to improve a website's visibility on a search platform like Google. The primary goal of SEO is to make more organic or non-paid visibility of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). The website is optimized better for search engines; it is likely to have a higher chance of appearing in relevant search queries.

SEO is instrumental in driving traffic to your Shopify store by optimizing its visibility on search engines. Through strategic keyword incorporation, SEO ensures that your store ranks higher in search results for relevant queries, increasing the likelihood of attracting potential customers. The emphasis on high-quality content enhances the user experience and positions your store as a valuable resource, further improving search engine rankings. 

Technical optimizations, such as site speed and mobile-friendliness, contribute to a positive user interface, favorably impacting search rankings. Off-page activities like building backlinks and engaging on social media enhance your store's authority and exposure, driving organic traffic. Effective SEO practices make your Shopify store more discoverable, increasing visibility and potential conversions.

Optimizing SEO for your Shopify store is a powerful strategy to drive free, organic traffic. Here's a detailed guide on how to leverage SEO effectively:

Keyword Research

optimize SEO by keyword research

  • Research keywords to identify relevant terms related to your products.
  • Use popular tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to discover high-volume and low-competition keywords.

On-Page Optimization

  • Optimize product titles and descriptions with selected keywords.
  • Utilize keyword-rich meta titles and meta descriptions.
  • Ensure headers (H1, H2) include keywords naturally.

Quality Content Creation

  • Develop engaging and informative product descriptions.
  • Create Shopify blogs to provide valuable content related to your niche.
  • Update content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.

User-Friendly URLs

  • Use clean and descriptive URLs that include relevant keywords.
  • Avoid generic product URLs and include vital details.

Mobile Optimization

Ensure your Shopify store is mobile-friendly for users on smartphones and tablets.

Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in search results.

Page Speed Optimization

  • Optimize images and use compressed files to improve page loading times.
  • Utilize tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and address speed issues.

You can use EComposer - the best Shopify page builder app to optimize your stores for mobile and speed. This app provides excellent tools to help your Shopify stores be search-optimized, such as lazy loading, image optimization, page analytics, etc. Furthermore, EComposer's stunningly designed templates can keep your customers on your sites longer, boosting conversion rates. 

Moreover, the AI Content Generator function supports you in creating high-quality content quickly and easily targeted to your customers. You can get assistance from the support team 24/7 via Live Chat. Try EComposer Free Now to optimize your Shopify stores and drive traffic.

best Shopify page builder

Internal Linking

  • Create a logical internal linking structure to guide users and search engines through your site.
  • Link to related products or blog posts within your content.

Customer Testimonials

  • Encourage consumers to leave reviews on product pages.
  • Positive reviews contribute to your store's credibility and may influence search rankings.

Social Media Integration

  • Share your products and blog content on social media platforms.
  • Social signals can indirectly impact search rankings.

Backlink Building

  • Actively seek high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.
  • Guest posting, influencer collaborations, and participating in industry forums can help build backlinks.

Schema Markup

  • Implement schema markup to provide search engines with additional context about your products.
  • This can boost the appearance of your listings in search results.

Regular SEO Audits

  • Conduct regular audits of your Shopify store's SEO performance.
  • Identify and address broken links, duplicate content, and crawl errors.

Submit Sitemap to Search Engines

Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to ensure search engines index your pages effectively.

Local SEO Optimization

  • If you have a brick-and-mortar store, optimize for local SEO by including location-based keywords.
  • List your business on Google My Business for local search visibility.

Monitor Analytics

  • Use Google Analytics tools to track your store's performance.
  • Analyze user behavior, popular pages, and keywords driving traffic.

Create High-quality Content

create high quality content to optimize Shopify stores

High-quality content in Shopify stores is a curated blend of relevance, engagement, and aesthetics. It caters to the audience's needs, offering accurate and valuable product insights. Engagement is ensured through compelling storytelling, captivating visuals, and interactive features, contributing to a memorable shopping experience. Uniqueness sets the store apart, providing distinctive content and product presentations. 

The content is inherently valuable, not just in products but in additional information that enriches customer understanding. Shareability is encouraged, contributing to broader reach, and SEO optimization ensures discoverability. High-quality Shopify content enhances the customer journey, fostering trust and loyalty.

High-quality content is a potent catalyst for driving traffic to Shopify stores by captivating and resonating with the target audience. When deeply relevant, engaging, and valuable content, it becomes a magnet for online users seeking information or products. Search engines favor such content, rewarding it with higher rankings in search results, thereby increasing discoverability. 

Compelling storytelling, visually appealing product presentations, and accurate information entice visitors and encourage social sharing, organically expanding the store's reach. The inherent value in high-quality content establishes trust, prompting both search engines and users to view the Shopify store as a reputable and authoritative source, ultimately driving more traffic and potential conversions.

How to create high-quality content on your Shopify stores

Understand Your Audience

  • Research your target audience's preferences, interests, and pain points.
  • Tailor content to address their needs and resonate with their preferences.

Optimize Product Descriptions

  • Craft compelling and unique product descriptions.
  • Use persuasive language, highlight key features, and include relevant keywords for SEO.

Leverage Visual Content

  • Invest in high-quality product images and professional visuals.
  • Include multiple images showcasing products from different angles.

Start a Blog

  • Develop a blog section on your Shopify store.
  • Create useful and engaging blog posts related to your products or industry.

Educational Content

  • Provide educational content such as tutorials, how-to guides, and product demonstrations.
  • Demonstrate the value and versatility of your products.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

  • Encourage and showcase customer reviews and testimonials.
  • Add a section for customer-generated content, such as photos or videos.

Create Landing Pages

  • Design targeted landing pages for specific promotions or product launches.
  • Optimize these pages for SEO and user engagement.

Utilize User-Generated Content (UGC)

  • Encourage consumers to express their experiences with your products on social media.
  • Curate and showcase UGC on your Shopify store.

Incorporate SEO Best Practices

  • Conduct keyword research and integrate relevant keywords in your content.
  • Optimize meta titles, meta descriptions, and URLs for search engines.

Engage in Storytelling

  • Tell compelling stories about your products, brands, or customer experiences.
  • Create an emotional connection with your audience.

Social Media Engagement

social media engagement to drive traffics to Shopify stores

Social media encompasses various online platforms and communication channels for social interaction, content sharing, and community building. The term refers to websites and applications that enable users to create, share, and exchange information, ideas, and multimedia content in virtual communities. Some popular social media platforms include Twitter, Facebook, Linkedln, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, etc.

Leveraging social media is a potent driver for directing traffic to your Shopify store. The expansive user bases of platforms offer unparalleled visibility. Precision-targeting through advertising tools ensures your promotions reach the most relevant audience. Establishing a community on social media fosters loyalty and encourages repeat visits to your store. Direct links in posts facilitate seamless navigation to your Shopify store while encouraging content sharing and generating organic promotion. 

User-generated content serves as powerful testimonials. Engaging in promotions, contests, and real-time interactions further enhances the dynamic connection with your audience. Collaborating with influencers extends your reach, driving their followers to explore your Shopify offerings. Lastly, leveraging social media analytics fine-tunes your strategy for optimal traffic results.

Choose the Right Platforms

  • Conduct audience research to identify the most active platforms within your niche.
  • Set up profiles on selected platforms with consistent branding and profile information.

Optimize Your Profiles

  • Craft a compelling bio that clearly communicates your brand's value proposition.
  • Use a high-quality, on-brand profile picture.
  • Include a direct link to your Shopify store in the profile.

Develop a Content Strategy

  • Create a content calendar outlining specific post types and themes.
  • Experiment with different content formats (images, videos, carousels) to identify what resonates.
  • Incorporate relevant hashtags to expand reach.

Leverage Influencer Marketing

  • Identify influencers within your niche using tools 
  • Reach out to influencers with a personalized collaboration proposal.
  • Establish clear expectations and goals for the influencer partnership.

Create Shareable Content

  • Develop a user-generated content campaign with a branded hashtag.
  • Host regular contests or challenges encouraging followers to share content.
  • Collaborate with customers to create testimonials and showcase their experiences.

Utilize Social Commerce Features

  • Set up Instagram Shopping or Facebook Shop for direct product tagging.
  • Create enticing product descriptions and visuals for social commerce features.
  • Monitor analytics to understand which products gain traction through social commerce.

Engage with Your Audience

  • Respond to comments and direct messages within 24 hours.
  • Pose questions and conduct polls to encourage active participation.
  • Show appreciation for user-generated content by reposting and crediting.

Analyze Metrics and Refine Strategy

  • Regularly review analytics on each platform to track engagement and reach.
  • Identify top-performing content and adjust the content strategy accordingly.
  • A/B test ad creatives, audience segments, and posting times.

Cross-Promote Across Platforms

  • Schedule cross-platform promotions, ensuring consistency in messaging.
  • Repurpose content for different platforms, optimizing for each one's unique features.
  • Encourage followers on one platform to follow your accounts on other platforms.

Encourage User-Generated Content

  • Launch a UGC campaign with specific guidelines and incentives.
  • Showcase UGC prominently on your profile or through dedicated posts.
  • Express gratitude to users who contribute content, fostering a sense of community.

Utilize Email Marketing

email marketing to drive traffic

Email marketing involves sending targeted messages or commercial content to the customer community via email. It is cost-effective and a direct method for your businesses to interact with your audience, build relationships, and promote products or services. Email marketing campaigns can include newsletters, promotional offers, product announcements, event invitations, and more.

Email marketing is a potent traffic driver for Shopify stores due to its direct and personalized communication. By crafting engaging newsletters, promotional offers, and product announcements, businesses can entice subscribers to visit their online stores. Through strategic segmentation, emails can be tailored to individual preferences, increasing relevance and click-through rates. 

Moreover, the inclusion of compelling call-to-action buttons prompts recipients to explore the latest products, exclusive deals, or limited-time promotions, seamlessly directing them to the Shopify store. With tracking and analyzing campaign performance, businesses can refine their email strategies, ensuring continuous optimization for maximum impact. Email marketing serves as a dynamic bridge, connecting businesses with their audience and driving targeted traffic to their Shopify storefronts.

Here's a detailed guide on utilizing email marketing to increase free traffic to your Shopify store:

Build a Quality Email List

  • Create engaging opt-in forms on your Shopify store to encourage visitors to subscribe.
  • Incentivize sign-ups with exclusive discounts, content, or early access to promotions.
  • Leverage pop-ups, exit-intent offers, and social media to expand your email subscriber base.

Segment Your Email List

  • Create different email lists based on purchase history, preferences, or demographics.
  • Craft targeted campaigns tailored to each segment's specific interests.
  • Personalize emails with recipient names and dynamic content for a more individualized experience.

Design Engaging Emails

  • Create visually appealing and mobile-responsive email templates.
  • Use compelling visuals, clear headings, and concise copy to capture attention.
  • Include a prominent call-to-action (CTA) button leading directly to your Shopify store.

Provide Valuable Content

  • Develop content that adds value to subscribers' lives, such as informative articles, product guides, or exclusive insights.
  • Share user-generated content or customer testimonials to build trust.
  • Tease upcoming promotions or product launches to generate anticipation.

Regularly Send Newsletters

  • Establish a consistent newsletter schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly).
  • Share updates, industry news, and relevant content to keep your brand top-of-mind.
  • Include links and CTAs to drive traffic back to your Shopify store.

Harness the Power of Promotions

  • Run exclusive promotions or flash sales for your email subscribers.
  • Use limited-time deals to create a sense of urgency and drive immediate traffic.
  • Highlight the exclusivity of these deals for subscribers to enhance engagement.

Implement Referral Programs

  • Encourage subscribers to refer friends by offering incentives.
  • Provide unique referral links that can be easily shared through email and social media.
  • Reward both the referrer and the new customer, fostering a sense of community.

Optimize for Mobile Users

  • Optimize your email for mobile responsiveness
  • Use responsive design to accommodate various screen sizes.
  • Test your emails on various devices to ensure a seamless user experience.

Leverage Automated Email Campaigns

  • Set up automated workflows for welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups.
  • Tailor these campaigns based on user behavior to enhance relevance.
  • Continuously analyze and optimize automated campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Track and Analyze Performance

  • Monitor key numbers like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  • Use A/B testing to refine subject lines, content, and visuals for better engagement.
  • Analyze customer behavior data to personalize your email strategies further.

By implementing these specific actions, businesses can realize the full potential of email marketing to bring traffic to their Shopify stores and cultivate lasting relationships with their audience.

Optimize for mobile users

optimize shopify stores for mobile users

Optimizing your Shopify store for mobile users in an era dominated by mobile devices is pivotal for driving traffic. With the widespread use of smartphones and tablets, providing a seamless mobile experience is more than a convenience - it's a necessity. A mobile-optimized site caters to the preferences of users accessing your store on smaller screens and aligns with search engine algorithms that prioritize mobile-friendly content. 

The result is improved visibility in search results, reduced bounce rates, and increased engagement. As users increasingly make purchases on mobile devices, an optimized store ensures a smooth and efficient shopping process, contributing to higher conversion rates. Moreover, a mobile-friendly site adapts to diverse devices, providing a competitive advantage and encouraging social sharing, ultimately expanding your store's reach and driving traffic organically.

Responsive Design

  • Utilize responsive Shopify themes.
  • Test your Shopify store on various devices to ensure consistent display.

Simplified Navigation

  • Streamline menus and categorize products logically.
  • Implement a clear and easily accessible search bar.

Fast Loading Times

  • Optimize images using Shopify's built-in image editor.
  • Leverage browser caching and minimize HTTP requests.

Mobile-Friendly Product Pages

Streamlined Checkout Process

  • Implement a one-page checkout process.
  • Offer guest checkout options for convenience.

Mobile SEO

  • Optimize meta tags for mobile search.
  • Ensure mobile-friendly URLs and prioritize mobile keywords.

Optimize for Touchscreen

  • Increase button sizes to accommodate touchscreen users.
  • Test all interactive elements for touch responsiveness.

By systematically implementing these steps, you can optimize your Shopify store for users, providing a seamless mobile experience and driving traffic to your online store.

Read more: 10 Tips to Optimize SEO for Landing Page

Drive traffic to Shopify stores via PAID methods

Paid traffic is the traffic of website visitors who come to your online store through paid advertising efforts. Unlike organic traffic from unpaid sources such as search engine results or social media shares, paid traffic is generated through various paid marketing channels. Businesses invest in paid traffic to increase visibility, drive targeted website visitors, and ultimately meet specific goals, such as increasing sales or generating leads.

Pay-per-click (PPC)

drive PPC traffics to Shopify stores

With the pay-per-click (PPC) Internet advertising strategy, marketers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. It's a method of purchasing website visits as opposed to trying to obtain them naturally. PPC advertisements can be seen on websites, social media networks, search engines, and other online venues where marketers can bid on the chance to have their ads seen by a specific audience.

Advantages of pay-per-click advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is pivotal in driving website traffic due to its immediate visibility and targeted approach. The essence of PPC lies in the ability to showcase ads to visitors actively searching for specific keywords or falling within defined demographics. This precision targeting ensures that the generated traffic is not just voluminous but also highly relevant, as ads are displayed to individuals who are interested in the products or services offered.

One of the significant advantages of PPC is the control it provides over advertising budgets. Advertisers can set daily or monthly limits; costs are incurred only when users click on the ads. This level of financial control, combined with real-time analytics, allows you to track the performance of the campaigns with metrics such as clicks, impressions, conversion rates, and cost-per-click (CPC). The ability to swiftly analyze and adjust campaigns in response to performance data is a crucial aspect of PPC, contributing to its effectiveness.

Flexibility is another crucial feature of PPC advertising. Advertisers can rapidly adjust campaigns, refining keywords, ad creatives, and targeting parameters to optimize results. This agility is vital for adapting to changing market dynamics and consumer behaviors, providing businesses a competitive edge in dynamic online spaces.

PPC also contributes to brand exposure. Even if users don't click on the ads, the prominent display of advertisements on search engine results pages or other platforms enhances brand visibility. This increased exposure can positively impact organic search results and overall brand recognition.

For local businesses, geo-targeting capabilities in PPC enable the precise targeting of users based on their location. This helps businesses attract a local audience, ensuring that ads are shown to individuals within a specific geographical radius.

Furthermore, PPC advertising is well-suited for time-sensitive campaigns, promotions, or seasonal offers. Businesses can leverage PPC to create targeted and impactful campaigns during specific periods, aligning with consumer behavior and maximizing the effectiveness of their advertising efforts.

Popular types of Pay-per-click advertising

Search Advertising

Search advertising

Search advertising operates primarily on search engines, with Google Ads being a dominant platform. Advertisers use keywords relevant to the products or services. When users search for these keywords, ads are shown at the top or bottom of the search results page. This form of PPC is advantageous for businesses seeking immediate visibility when potential customers are actively searching for related terms, ensuring a high level of user intent.

Display Advertising

Display advertising involves visually engaging ads like images, banners, or videos and is prominently featured on websites within an advertising network. The Google Display Network (GDN) is a major platform for display ads. These ads provide a broader reach across various websites, allowing for creative and visually appealing campaigns that contribute to brand exposure beyond search engine results.

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising occurs on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn Ads. Advertisers can create and display ads within users' feeds based on specific targeting criteria. Social media PPC offers precise demographic targeting and engagement opportunities through likes, shares, and comments, effectively building brand awareness and engagement.

Google Shopping

google shopping

Google Shopping is a PPC platform that showcases product ads with images, prices, and store information. These ads appear in the search results when users search for specific products. This format is especially beneficial for e-commerce businesses, offering a visually appealing way to display products, prices, and direct links to online stores, enhancing the shopping experience for users.

Gmail Advertising

Gmail advertising operates within users' email inboxes, appearing in the Promotions tab. These ads often resemble emails and can include images and text. Google Ads facilitates Gmail advertising, providing a direct route to users and offering a visually engaging format for personalized content delivery.

Remarketing Advertising

Remarketing advertising, often used interchangeably with retargeting, involves showing ads to users who have previously interacted with a website. These interactions could include visiting specific pages, viewing products, or taking certain actions on the site. The primary goal of remarketing is to re-engage with users and encourage them to return to the website. 

Remarketing ads can appear across various online platforms, keeping the brand in the user's consideration as they navigate the internet. Platforms like Google and Facebook offer options for creating and managing remarketing campaigns, fostering brand recall, and encouraging returning visitors.

Retargeting Advertising

Retargeting advertising is a subset of remarketing that focuses explicitly on showing ads to users who have visited a website but did not take a desired action, such as making a purchase. Retargeting ads aim to bring these users back to the site by displaying targeted ads as they browse other websites or platforms. Retargeting focuses on converting potential customers who have already shown interest in the brand or its products.

The key distinction between remarketing and retargeting lies in the specificity of user actions. Retargeting typically targets users based on specific behaviors on a website, such as abandoning a shopping cart. It is a more narrowly focused strategy to recover potentially lost conversions by reminding users of their initial interest.

Each type of PPC advertising serves specific purposes and aligns with different business goals, allowing advertisers to choose the most suitable platforms and formats based on the marketing objectives and target audience.

Start PPC Advertising

  • Step 1 - Set Clear Objectives: Define your goals for PPC advertising. Whether it's driving website traffic, increasing sales, or building brand awareness, having clear objectives will guide your PPC strategy.
  • Step 2 - Choose the Right PPC Platform: Identify the best platforms that align with your target audience and business goals. Google Ads is widely used for search advertising, while social media platforms are effective for display and social advertising.
  • Step 3 - Conduct Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research for search advertising to identify relevant terms your audience is likely to search for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find high-performing keywords.
  • Step 4 - Craft Compelling Ad Copy: Create engaging and relevant ad content that speaks to your audience. Highlight unique selling propositions and include a clear call-to-action to encourage clicks.
  • Step 5 - Design Eye-Catching Visuals: Invest in visually appealing graphics or videos if you're running display or social ads. Quality visuals capture attention and convey your message effectively.
  • Step 6 - Set Budgets and Bidding Strategy: Determine your budget for PPC advertising. Choose a strategy based on your goals – maximizing clicks, conversions, or maintaining a specific cost-per-click.
  • Step 7 - Create Targeted Landing Pages: Ensure your PPC ads direct users to optimized landing pages that align with the ad content. Landing pages should have a clear message, relevant content, and a strong call to action for better conversion rates.
  • Step 8 - Implement Conversion Tracking: Set up conversion tracking to control the success of your PPC campaigns. This allows you to track users' actions after clicking on your ads, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.
  • Step 9 - Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor the performance of your PPC campaigns. Analyze key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend. Adjust your plan based on insights gained from performance data.

Influencer Marketing 

influencer marketing to drive shopify stores traffics

Influencer marketing is a strategic approach wherein businesses collaborate with individuals with a substantial and engaged following on social media platforms. These influencers, often considered authoritative figures within their niche, have built credibility and trust among their followers. Leveraging the influencer's reach and influence, businesses aim to promote the products or services and establish a connection with a broader audience.

The process of influencer marketing

  • Identifying suitable influencers
  • Negotiating collaborations
  • producing material that appeals to the influencer's followers
  • The influencers then share this content on their social media platforms  (including calls to action and traffic funneling)
  • Engagement and interaction with the followers to encourage them to explore the products further
  • Collaborative Campaign Evaluation to assess the influencer marketing effort: click-through rates, website traffic, and conversion rates

Various forms of influencer marketing

Swipe-up links and CTAs

Many social media platforms offer features like swipe-up links on Instagram Stories or clickable links in captions. Influencers use these features to include direct calls-to-action (CTAs), encouraging their followers to visit the Shopify store. The convenience of these links streamlines the process, making it easier for followers to navigate to the store with a simple swipe or click.

User-Generated Content and Reviews

Influencers often create user-generated content, including reviews, unboxing videos, or testimonials. This content provides potential customers with real-life insights into the products, fostering trust and encouraging them to explore the Shopify store for further information or to purchase.

Exclusive Promotions and Discounts

Collaborations with influencers may involve exclusive promotions or discount codes for their followers. This creates a sense of urgency and exclusivity, motivating followers to visit the Shopify store to take advantage of the special offer. This strategy  drives traffic and encourages conversions.

Storytelling and Engagement

Influencers excel at storytelling through their content. By incorporating products from a Shopify store into their narratives, they create engaging and relatable stories that resonate with their audience. This storytelling aspect fosters increased engagement and prompts followers to explore the brand further.

Affiliate Marketing

Utilizing affiliate marketing within influencer collaborations allows influencers to get a commission for every sale generated through their unique affiliate links. This creates a mutual incentive for both parties, encouraging influencers to drive traffic and conversions actively.

Giveaways and Contests

Hosting giveaways or contests in collaboration with influencers can generate excitement and engagement. Participants are often required to visit the Shopify store, increasing traffic while expanding the brand's reach as participants share the contest with their networks.

Incorporating these specific methods within influencer marketing strategies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of driving traffic to Shopify stores.

Affiliate Marketing

How to drive traffic to Shopify stores

Affiliate marketing involves collaborating with partners who promote and sell your products or services, contributing to increased website traffic. These partners receive a commission for their marketing efforts, usually tied to successful sales. Nevertheless, the specifics of your affiliate program may allow them to earn a profit based on the volume of traffic they direct to your website.

Comprehensive guide to help you effectively leverage affiliate marketing for increased traffic:

  • Set Up Your Affiliate Program: Start by setting up an affiliate program for your Shopify store. You can use Shopify apps or external affiliate marketing platforms to streamline the process for affiliates to sign up and track their performance.
  • Define Commission Structure: Clearly outline the commission structure for your affiliates. Decide whether they'll earn commissions based on sales, leads, or both. Ensure your commission rates are competitive to attract motivated affiliates.
  • Recruit Reputable Affiliates: Identify and recruit affiliates who align with your brand and target customers. Look for influencers, bloggers, or content creators in your industry who can effectively promote your products.
  • Provide Marketing Materials: Equip affiliates with promotional materials such as banners, product images, and persuasive copy. Make it easy for them to showcase your products on their websites, blogs, or social media channels.
  • Offer Attractive Incentives: Motivate affiliates by offering attractive incentives. This could include higher commission rates for top performers, bonuses for reaching specific targets, or exclusive discounts for their audience.
  • Communicate Effectively: Maintain open communication with your affiliates. Provide updates on new products, promotions, or any changes to your affiliate program. A collaborative relationship can lead to more effective marketing efforts.
  • Utilize Affiliate Networks: Consider joining affiliate networks to expand your reach. These networks connect businesses with affiliates, simplifying recruitment and giving you access to a wider pool of potential partners.
  • Utilize Coupon Codes: Provide affiliates with unique coupon codes to share with their audience. This tracks their impact on sales and offers an incentive for their followers to make a purchase.
  • Implement Tracking and Analytics: Use affiliate tracking tools and analytics to manage the performance of each affiliate. Track metrics like clicks, conversions, and sales to monitor the effectiveness of your affiliate marketing efforts.

By strategically implementing these steps, you can harness the power of affiliate marketing to drive targeted and motivated traffic to your Shopify store. 

Reasons why your Shopify stores get low traffic & solutions

Why Shopify stores get low traffic and solutions

There are many reasons why a website might get low traffic. Some of the most common reasons include:

Poor website design and usability

If your website is not designed in a way that is easy to use and navigate, users are more likely to leave your site quickly and not return. Ensure your website is stunning, easy to navigate, and has a clear call to action.

  • Ensure a visually appealing design with a clean layout.
  • Optimize navigation for easy access to important pages.
  • Implement clear call-to-action buttons guiding users on the desired actions.

Low-quality content

If your website doesn't have valuable content that people are interested in reading, they won't visit your site. Ensure your content is well-written, informative, and relevant to your target audience.

  • Create well-written, informative, and relevant content.
  • Provide value to your target audience.
  • Update content constantly to keep it fresh and current.

Lack of search engine optimization (SEO)

If your website is not optimized for search engines, it will not be in a high rank of search results pages (SERPs). This means people are less likely to find your site when searching for information online.

  • Conduct thorough keyword research for each page.
  • Optimize meta tags, headings, and content with relevant keywords.
  • Build high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

No social media presence

If you are not active on social media, you miss out on a valuable opportunity to connect with potential visitors and drive traffic to your website. Ensure you actively share your content on social media and engage with your followers.

  • Establish an active presence on key social media platforms.
  • Share helpful content and engage with your audience.
  • Leverage social media advertising for broader reach.

Lack of backlinks

Backlinks are links from other websites to your online stores. They signal to search engines that your website is authoritative and trustworthy, and they can help you rank higher in SERPs.

  • Actively seek backlinks through guest posting and collaborations.
  • Create shareable content to attract backlinks naturally.
  • Monitor and disavow low-quality or spammy backlinks.

Not targeting the right audience

To save time and effort, you must target your website to the right audience. Ensure you understand your ideal customer and tailor your content and marketing efforts accordingly.

  • Clearly clarify your target audience and their preferences.
  • Tailor content and marketing strategies to match audience needs.
  • Utilize analytics to understand audience behavior and preferences.

Technical issues

If your website has problem with technical issues, such as slow loading pages or bad links, users are more likely to leave your site quickly. Ensure your website is functioning properly and all your links are working.

  • Regularly conduct website audits for speed and performance.
  • Fix broken links and ensure all website elements function correctly.
  • Utilize tools to monitor website health and address issues promptly.

Not promoting your website

People will not know it exists if you are not actively promoting it. Make sure you are using a variety of marketing channels to promote your site, such as search engine marketing, email marketing, and social media.

  • Use various marketing channels.
  • Run targeted advertising campaigns to boost visibility.
  • Collaborate with influencers or industry partners for cross-promotions.

Algorithm change

Search engine algorithms are continuously changing, and these changes significantly impact a website's traffic. If your website is not keeping up with the latest algorithm changes, it may experience a drop in traffic.

  • Regularly follow reputable SEO blogs and industry news for algorithm updates.
  • Align content with current SEO best practices and algorithm preferences.
  • Reduce reliance on organic search alone; diversify traffic sources.
  • Adjust strategies based on data and performance analytics.
  • Conduct regular technical SEO audits to ensure compliance with algorithmic requirements.

If you are experiencing low website traffic, it is essential to point out the root cause of the problem; hence, you can take steps to improve it. Once you know why your website is not getting traffic, you can develop a plan to boost your Shopify stores’ traffic and attract more visitors.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, driving traffic to your Shopify store is a dynamic and multifaceted endeavor requiring a strategic blend of free and paid methods. By harnessing the power of the techniques, you can create a robust framework for attracting and retaining a diverse audience.

The combination of these approaches not only amplifies your store's visibility but also fosters meaningful connections with your audience. Remember, the key is to adapt and iterate, continuously monitoring analytics to refine your strategies. 

FAQs - Drive Traffics to Shopify Stores

How to drive traffic to your Shopify stores

1. Is paid advertising necessary for driving traffic to a Shopify store?

Answer: While not mandatory, paid advertising, such as Google Ads or social media ads, can accelerate traffic growth. It provides immediate visibility, targeting specific audiences and generating quicker results compared to organic methods.

2. What role does SEO play in driving organic traffic to a Shopify store?

Answer: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial for improving your store's visibility on search engines. Optimizing product descriptions, meta tags, and URLs helps attract organic traffic from users actively searching for products.

3. How can I use social media to drive free traffic to my Shopify store?

Answer: Engage with your audience on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Share visually appealing content, run contests, and use relevant hashtags to increase brand visibility and drive organic traffic.

4. What types of content can I create to attract more visitors to my store?

Answer: Create diverse content such as blog posts, how-to guides, product tutorials, and engaging visuals. Content that provides value and addresses customer needs can attract and retain visitors.

5. How can I encourage repeat visits to my Shopify store?

Answer: Implement strategies like email marketing with newsletters, exclusive offers for existing customers, and a loyalty program. Engaging past visitors with valuable content and promotions can entice them to return.

6. Can collaborations with other businesses help drive traffic to my Shopify store?

Answer: Yes, partnering with complementary businesses for cross-promotions can be mutually beneficial. Co-hosting events, sharing each other's content, or running joint promotions can attract new audiences.

7. What are the advantages of free traffic methods for Shopify stores?

Answer: Free traffic methods, such as content marketing and social media engagement, are cost-effective, sustainable over time, and help build organic, engaged audiences. They can establish brand credibility and trust.

8. Are there disadvantages to relying solely on free traffic methods?

Answer: Yes, free methods often require significant time and effort before yielding results. The organic growth may be gradual, and immediate visibility might be limited compared to paid strategies.

9. How can a balance between free and paid traffic methods be achieved?

Answer: Achieve a balance by combining free methods for long-term organic growth with paid methods for immediate visibility. This can create a diversified approach that maximizes the benefits of both strategies.

10. What risks are associated with relying solely on paid advertising?

Answer: Relying solely on paid advertising carries the risk of high costs and dependency on a continuous budget. If not managed effectively, there's a risk of overspending without achieving the desired return on investment.

11. How can businesses ensure a good return on investment (ROI) with paid traffic?

Answer: Businesses can optimize paid traffic campaigns by targeting the right audience, using compelling ad creatives, and regularly analyzing and adjusting campaigns based on performance data to maximize ROI.

12. How can businesses measure the success of both free and paid traffic strategies?

Answer: Use analytics tools to track key metrics such as website visits, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs. Comparing the results from both strategies helps businesses understand their overall marketing effectiveness.
