How to Build Event Landing Page: + Best Examples


ultimate guide to build event landing page and examples

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Have you been facing difficulties in getting people interested in attending your events? 

With the rise of virtual and hybrid events, it's more important than ever to have a dedicated landing page that promotes your event and convinces visitors to register. 

But what makes an effective event landing page? The event organizers say that their event landing pages are one of the most effective ways for driving registrations. However, creating a successful event landing page requires careful planning and attention to detail. 

In this blog, we'll explore everything you need to know about building an outstanding event landing page, including examples, best practices, and step-by-step instructions.

What is an event landing page?

Firstly, we need to understand what is a landing page. And is there any difference between Landing Page and the website?

Landing Page vs Website: Landing page is a standalone web page which is created with the singular objective of converting visitors, whereas a website typically serves multiple purposes. Instead of providing general information or promoting the business, a landing page highlights a single offer in various forms. 

what is an event landing page example?

(image source:

Event landing page is one type of landing page designed specifically for promoting an upcoming event. The goal of an event landing page is to encourage visitors to register for the event by providing them with all the necessary information they need to make an informed decision about attending.

Hence, the success of an event landing page is measured by the number of registrations it generates. By providing potential attendees with a clear understanding of what they can expect from the event and encouraging them to take action, an event landing page can help maximize the impact of the event.

An event landing page typically includes details about the event such as date, time, location, speakers, and agenda. In addition to event details, an effective event landing page can also contain compelling information that highlights the benefits of attending the event, such as exclusive deals, gifts or special guest speakers.

Why do you need event landing pages?

benefits of event landing page

Creating an event landing page for your event can help you drive conversions and attract a wider audience. Some key benefits of an effective event landing page include:

Improved Engagement

One of the biggest benefits of creating effective event landing pages is improved engagement. By designing a visually appealing landing page with eye-catching graphics, videos, and copy, you can capture the attention of potential attendees and keep them interested in your event. A well-designed landing page can also help to establish credibility and build trust in your brand, leading to increased interest and engagement.

Higher Attendance Rates

Another key benefit of an event landing page is higher attendance rates. By providing all the necessary information upfront, including date, time, location, speakers, and agenda, you can make it easier for people to register and attend the event. This can lead to greater attendance rates and more opportunities to connect with potential customers, partners, or collaborators.


Increases Registrations

In addition to higher attendance rates, a well-crafted event landing page can also lead to increased registrations. By using persuasive language and clear calls to action, such as "Register Now" or "Sign Up Today," you can encourage visitors to take action and sign up for your event. This can result in a larger pool of potential attendees, which can help to drive business growth and success.

Better Data Collection

Finally, an event landing page can facilitate better data collection. By including registration forms or surveys on your landing page, you can collect valuable data on attendees, such as their contact information, preferences, and feedback. This data can then be used to refine future marketing efforts and improve the overall customer experience. With effective data collection, you can gain insights that can help you tailor your event to meet the needs of your target audience, resulting in higher engagement and satisfaction levels.

5 Best event landing page examples that convert

Get inspiration from the best event landing page examples.

1. Giveaway event landing page template

event landing page examples

(image source: EComposer’s premade layout)

This is a great example of effective design. The color scheme was consistent with the brand and used warm, inviting colors that created a welcoming atmosphere. The high-quality images used on the page accurately represented the event and added visual interest to the page. 

In terms of FOMO tactics, the page utilized a countdown timer to create urgency and encourage visitors to register quickly. Finally, the clear call-to-action button and registration form are stood out visually, making it easy for visitors to register for the event. Overall, this event landing page effectively communicated the value of the event and made it easy for visitors to take action.

2. Mother’s Day Campaign event landing page

best event landing page examples

(image source:

EComposer's Mother's Day event planning page represents greatly the holiday spirit. The color scheme, with soft shades of pink and yellow pastel colors, creates a calming and soothing effect that reflects the nurturing and caring role of mothers. 

The countdown timer adds a sense of urgency, encouraging users to take action and plan something special on this day. The page's structured layout enables easy navigation, with featured stories from staff and users. The deals section highlights exclusive offers from EComposer and partners. Additionally, the FAQ section addresses any questions or concerns. 

Overall, EComposer's Mother's Day landing page is an exceptional example of how effective design and useful features can enhance the online shopping experience.

3. KIKK Festival 2021

inspiring event landing page example

(image source:

KIKK is an event that focuses on digital and creative cultures, exploring the impact of new technologies on art and the economy. The festival took place from November 4th to 7th, 2021. Their landing page has a sci-fi theme and features a ladder illustration guiding users down the page. 

Important event details such as the location, time, and speakers are easily visible in a well-organized area of the page. Additionally, fun gifs are placed throughout the page to keep visitors engaged while underlined links and interactive images of the speakers allow visitors to access more information with minimal clicks.

4. Affiliate World Asia

5 best event landing page examples

(image source:

This upcoming event is centered around affiliates and will take place from the 7th to the 8th of December this year. The event landing page showcases a contemporary and modern design. The prominent call to action is strategically positioned above the fold for maximum impact. 

As you navigate down the page, the price and benefits are presented concisely with bullet points, providing audiences with effortless comprehension. Furthermore, the "Buy Now" CTAs immediately following these sections serve as an incentive to make a ticket purchase without delay!

5. Web Summit

event landing page example

(image source:

The Web Summit landing page catches the eye with its unique color scheme and effective use of call-to-action buttons. The landing page provides numerous compelling reasons for attending the event with detailed information. 

Other sections of the website are accessible through a hidden menu on the top right, which is a smart design choice. Furthermore, the newsletter registration located on the bottom right provides attendees with on-demand support and get more information. Overall, this landing page serves as an excellent example of how to create an ideal event landing page.

How to build an outstanding event landing page

Here is a step-by-step guide to follow:

Step 1: Define your target audience

Before you start building a landing page to promote your event, it's important to identify who your target audience is. This will help you create content that resonates with them and motivates them to register for the event.

Step 2: Set clear goals for your event landing page

Your landing page should have a clear purpose, such as driving ticket sales or generating leads. Make sure your landing page is designed with this goal in mind.

Step 3: Choose Shopify Page Builder App to build the page

Many page builders can help you create an event landing page. Choose one that has many special features and user-friendly UX/UI design to save your effort.

EComposer is a top-rated Shopify page builder, you can create any type of page with this app freely, event landing page is exceptional. The most outstanding points when using EComposer are the large template library for free customization with a powerful drag-drop editor (no coding knowledge requirements). Furthermore, there is 24/7 live chat support to assist you whenever you get into trouble in designing your website.

Search Landing Page Builder on Shopify Apps Store to add app for your Shopify store.

EComposer Shopify page builder

Step 4: Building Event Landing Page with EComposer

Now, use EComposer to make your drive-interest event landing page.

Open the app

- On your Shopify Store admin, choose “Apps” and click on “EComposer” to open the app

create event landing page in Shopify

- Choose “Start building” on the right

build event landing page

- Hit the “Plus” button next to the “Landing Pages” option to create an event landing page

start building event landing page in Shopify

- In the “Landing Pages” category, there are a lot of premade templates, you can look through all of them by clicking on the “Preview” button or hitting “Choose” to customize the selected template.

how to create event landing page

- Name the page and click “Start Building”

Start building event landing page

Customize the template

- Use eye-catching design elements

use eye-catching design elements in event landing page

Make sure your landing page is visually appealing, with high-quality images, clear fonts, and a color scheme that matches the event branding.

- Craft compelling information

provide enough information in event landing page

Your information about the event should communicate the benefits of attending the event, highlight keynote speakers or special guests, and convey a sense of urgency.

- Provide easy registration and payment options

easy form registration and payments in event landing page

Make sure it's easy for visitors to register and pay for the event. Provide multiple payment options and ensure that the registration form is easy to fill out.

Generally, the premade layout is designed in harmony with all necessary parts. If you want to adjust or change the text/ colors or images. Hover over each part to get the editing pen to appear, click on it and an editing section will be displayed on the left. 

-  You can change the text in the “Content” and images in the “Design” section.

customize event landing page templates

Step 5: Save & Publish

After completing all the changes with the template and ready to show it to your audience, click “Publish” at the top left corner and choose “Save and Publish” to go live with the landing page.

save and publish event landing page

Hope that these steps help you create an outstanding event landing page.

Best practices for a successful event landing page

best practices to create an amazing event landing page

To ensure that your event landing page is effective in attracting visitors and driving registrations, here are some best practices to consider:

Keep it simple

Avoid clutter and make sure that the page is easy to navigate and understand. The key to creating an effective event landing page is to keep it simple. Visitors should be able to quickly understand what the event is about and how they can register for it. 

Use clear, concise language and avoid cluttering the page with too much information or distracting graphics. Make sure that the most important details, such as the date, time, location, and registration form, are prominently displayed and easy to find.

Optimized for mobile 

Make sure that your landing page looks great and functions well on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. With more people accessing websites from their mobile devices than ever before, it's crucial to ensure that your event landing page is optimized for mobile viewing

Use a mobile-responsive design that automatically adjusts the layout of the page to fit different screen sizes. This will ensure that visitors have a positive user experience, regardless of whether they're on a desktop computer or a mobile device.

Highlight social proof

Include testimonials, endorsements, or other forms of social proof that build trust and credibility. Social proof is a powerful tool for building trust and credibility with potential attendees. 

Include testimonials from previous attendees or speakers, endorsements from industry experts or influencers, or any other form of social proof that can help to validate the value of your event. This will increase the likelihood that visitors will trust your brand and register for your event.

Provide added values 

Offer additional resources or incentives to visitors who register early or share the event on social media. To encourage registrations and engagement, provide added value to visitors who sign up early or share your event on social media. 

This could include access to exclusive content, early bird discounts, or other incentives that can help to increase the perceived value of your event. By providing added value, you'll be more likely to attract and retain potential attendees.

Monitor and optimize

Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your landing page and make adjustments as needed. Finally, it's important to use analytics tools to track the performance of your event landing page and make adjustments as needed.

This will help you to identify areas where the page may be underperforming and make changes to improve its effectiveness. Analyze metrics like bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rate to gain insights into how visitors are interacting with your landing page, and make data-driven decisions to optimize its performance.

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Final thought

In conclusion, a well-designed event landing page is crucial for the success of any event. By following the steps outlined in this guide and studying the examples provided, you can create a high-converting page that will attract and engage potential attendees. 

Remember to keep it simple, use a mobile-responsive design, highlight social proof, provide added value, and monitor and optimize your page design using EComposer. Don't wait any longer, start building your own effective event landing page today!
