Shopify Dawn Theme Review: Features, Pros, Cons & Ratings


Shopify Dawn Theme Review: Features, Pros, Cons & Ratings

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Whether you're a seasoned Shopify user looking for an upgrade or just stepping into the world of e-commerce, Shopify Dawn Theme is an enticing option for businesses seeking a sleek and responsive storefront. This review aims to provide a clear understanding of what the Dawn theme offers and whether it aligns with your business needs.

Let's embark on this journey to unravel the strengths, weaknesses, and user experiences of Shopify Dawn Theme to help you make an informed decision for your online store.

About Shopify Dawn Theme

The Shopify Dawn Theme epitomizes minimalism, strategically prioritizing product images for maximum impact. Its clean design isn't just aesthetic; it's a deliberate choice to amplify your merchandise without distraction.

Shopify Dawn Theme

(Image source: Shopify Theme Store)

Versatility is one of the key features of this theme. Dawn seamlessly adapts to stores of any size, making it a go-to option for businesses at any stage. Whether you're a burgeoning boutique or an established retailer, this theme caters effortlessly to your requirements.

What sets Dawn apart is its simplicity in setup. With minimal steps needed, launching your online store becomes swift, allowing you to concentrate on showcasing your products and connecting with customers.

Furthermore, Dawn's design is purpose-built to magnify your brand's visual narrative. It is a platform to eloquently present your images, enabling your brand's essence to shine through vibrant visuals and compelling storytelling.

Dawn Theme Layout Option

The Shopify Dawn Theme offers a singular layout option designed to streamline your online store's appearance while maximizing visual impact. This layout is meticulously crafted to emphasize product imagery and optimize the browsing experience for your customers.

Shopify Dawn Theme Layout

(Image source: Shopify Theme Store)

The theme's singular layout is purposefully structured to maintain simplicity and elegance, ensuring a seamless presentation of your products. This intentional design choice aligns with the theme's minimalist approach, allowing your merchandise to take the spotlight without distractions.

Features & Pricing of Shopify Dawn Theme 

Dawn Theme Features

The Shopify Dawn Theme is packed with a suite of features tailored to enhance your online store:

  • Chic and Minimalist Design: Dawn presents a sleek and sophisticated design that accentuates your products, ensuring a visually appealing storefront.
  • Advanced Customization Options: Offering extensive customization capabilities, Dawn empowers you to personalize your store according to your brand's identity and preferences.
  • Mega Menu: Simplify navigation and improve user experience with a comprehensive mega menu, allowing easy browsing through categories and collections.
  • Sticky Header: The theme incorporates a sticky header, ensuring easy access to navigation menus and essential links while users scroll through your website.

Shopify Dawn Theme - Sticky Header

(Image source: Shopify Theme Store)

  • High-Resolution Images: Dawn supports high-resolution imagery, enabling you to showcase your products in stunning detail and clarity.
  • Image Zoom: Enhance customer experience with an image zoom feature that lets visitors magnify product images for a closer look.
  • Lookbooks: Dawn facilitates the creation of visually engaging lookbooks, enabling you to curate collections and inspire customers with stylish presentations.

Shopify Dawn Theme - Lookbook

(Image source: Shopify Theme Store)

Dawn Theme Pricing Options

The Shopify Dawn Theme stands out as an exceptional offering as it comes with a remarkable pricing advantage – it's completely free! Yes, you read that right. Dawn is available to Shopify users at no cost, making it an incredibly enticing option for businesses looking to elevate their online presence without adding to their expenses.

Pros & Cons of Shopify Dawn Theme 

Shopify Dawn Theme Pros and Cons

Pros of Shopify Dawn Theme

Emphasis on product focus

Dawn's design places your products at the forefront. With large, captivating imagery, clean lines, and hidden fonts, the theme ensures that your merchandise remains the center of attention, captivating buyers effortlessly.

Shopify Dawn Theme focus on products

(Image source: Shopify Theme Store)

Effortless setup for a Quick Launch

Dawn's minimal setup steps expedite the process of launching your store. This simplicity lets you kickstart your online sales swiftly, minimizing the time between conception and execution.

Compelling visual storytelling

The theme's emphasis on powerful visual storytelling and extensive media options empowers you to communicate your brand's narrative effectively. It allows customers to immerse themselves in your brand and products, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.

Responsive across devices

Dawn guarantees a consistent and engaging user experience across various devices. Whether customers browse your store on smartphones, tablets, or desktops, the theme's responsiveness ensures an optimized display, enhancing accessibility and user satisfaction.

Shopify Dawn Theme resonsive

Flexible design and customization

Dawn offers a range of flexible design and customization settings. These options enable you to achieve your envisioned look and functionality without the need for complex coding, providing a hassle-free customization experience.

Cons of Shopify Dawn Theme 

Missing log-in button and redirect for password reset

There is a possibility of the absence of a log-in button for customers, along with a lack of visibility for the password reset redirect. This can potentially impact user accessibility and functionality, inconveniencing customers trying to access their accounts or reset their passwords.

Limited homepage customization

The inability to update the home page beyond the featured collection section poses a challenge for users wanting more control and diversity in their homepage layout.

Possible page speed issues

Some users have reported a decrease in mobile page speed following the Dawn theme's Version 1.2 release. This sluggish performance can lead to a frustrating browsing experience for visitors, potentially resulting in increased bounce rates.

Read more: 10 Tips to Speed Up Shopify Store and Impress Customers

Potential functionality issues

Certain functionalities, such as the color setting part, may not function correctly. This could hinder users' ability to customize and tailor their store's visual aspects as intended.

Dawn theme User reviews, Support, and Resources

User review

Shopify Dawn Theme - User review

(Image source: Shopify Theme Store)

User feedback on the Shopify Dawn Theme offers a spectrum of perspectives:

Positive Experiences: Some users praised the theme's appeal and functionality, appreciating its clear source code and minimalist design. They found it particularly suitable for custom design projects and praised Shopify's prompt support in resolving issues.

Constructive Suggestions: Other users expressed a liking for the theme but highlighted specific features they wished to see added, such as the integration of a Spotify player within sections and additional customization options for social media icons in particular sections of the theme.

Usability and Minor Issues: Some found the theme suitable for initial testing and concept validation but encountered minor issues like manual adjustments needed for specific elements, such as the Currency selector and unexpected display of social icons in the mobile slider menu despite being turned off in settings.

Challenges Faced: There were users who faced difficulties in utilizing certain features, such as the native Dawn product reviews, and experienced difficulties in finding adequate support or guidance to address their concerns. Some users noted challenges with the theme updates, citing delays in changes reflecting on the live site. Additionally, navigation complexities within the settings menu and limitations in the translation page were reported, impacting the usability and workflow within the theme.

Below are some of the most detailed feedback from Dawn’s users:

Ruach Official Oct 17, 2023

The theme is fabulous. Recently I faced an issue on the theme, and the Shopify team helped me immediately and resolved the problem for me. Great work and a great theme!

Digismoothie EN Jul 13, 2023

We love the Dawn theme as our primary template while creating a new Shopify store from scratch. It is a clear source code and minimalistic theme that is usable for custom design projects that we are building very often at Digismoothie as a Shopify agency and apps developer. Thank you for the great work! Tomas P - General Manager - Digismoothie

Mr MOCCA Dec 02, 2023

I like it; however, I would like it if, in a block or section, there was the possibility of adding the Spotify player to the page, and additionally, in the footer, where the social media icons are, there was the option to place the profile from Spotify.

Fluffels Dec 17, 2023

It's good enough to get started and test your concept. But there were some minor things I had to manually change myself, such as the Currency selector and social icons appearing in the slider menu on mobile view even though they are turned off in the settings.

Revete Kitchen Nov 30, 2023

I can't figure out how to use native Dawn product reviews, and there is no way to get any support or to find any directions. Bummer! Would love assistance from the developer or Shopify.

Bratari de argint Jun 21, 2023

A lot changed, and not in a good way. Takes too much for any update on site. Once you change something, the update is not visible in "view your online store, you have to close it and open it again. You are stuck in the settings menu. On the translation page, you can't search for everything; you have to take all the sections to see where the phrase is. Lots of errors. It used to be such a good theme

Support and Resources


Users utilizing the Shopify Dawn Theme can access the Shopify Help Center for comprehensive support. The Help Center features a chatbox equipped with a virtual Help Center assistant, providing users with immediate assistance. Within this interface, users can explore various topics and utilize a search bar to locate explanations and solutions for their queries or issues efficiently. This dynamic support system enables users to seek guidance and resolve concerns effectively.


For users seeking specific resources related to Dawn, the Shopify Help Center for Dawn Theme offers documentation specifically tailored for customizing Dawn. This documentation, titled "Customize Dawn," focuses on instructing users on how to add and personalize sections and blocks within the theme, along with guidance on modifying theme settings. This resource serves as a comprehensive guide, empowering users to navigate and leverage the customization capabilities of the Shopify Dawn Theme efficiently.

How to Purchase the Shopify Dawn Theme

The Dawn Theme is now only available on the Shopify Theme Store, and you can access the theme in the following ways.

  1. From the Shopify Theme Store
  • Go to Shopify Theme Store, search for “Dawn” in the search bar, and choose the theme from the result page.

Choose Shopify Dawn Theme from Shopify Theme Store

Or you can click the button below to directly navigate to the theme:


Download DAWN!

  • Click “Try theme” to purchase the theme.
Click "Try Theme" to download Shopify Dawn Theme
  1. From the admin page of your store
  • If your store is newly created, access your Shopify app dashboard, click "Online Store", then select "Themes".
  • The Dawn Theme will appear on your screen, and you can choose “Customize” to start implementing your store with Dawn.

Shopify Dawn Theme from admin panel

Read more: How to Build a Website for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide!

Add custom sections to Dawn theme using EComposer

EComposer Page Builder is an application that allows businesses to create any kind of page or section quickly by simply using a live drag-and-drop editor. Follow these steps to personalize your Dawn theme:

1. Log in to Shopify: Access your Shopify account to begin the customization process.

2. Install EComposer Page Builder: If you haven't installed the app, navigate to the Shopify App Store and install EComposer Page Builder. Ensure the app integrates seamlessly with your Shopify store. For those who have already installed the app, simply open it to proceed.

Install EComposer to customize Shopify Dawn Theme

3. Access Theme Customization: Within your Shopify account, navigate to the "Online Store" category. From the available options, select "Theme."

Shopify Dawn Theme

4. Choose Dawn Theme: Locate the Dawn theme from your list of available themes and click "Customize." This action redirects you to the theme's customization interface.

Choose Shopify Dawn Theme
5. Add Custom Sections: Look for the "Add section" option inside the customization interface. Here, EComposer Page Builder provides a diverse range of section types to personalize within the Dawn theme. Select the specific section type you wish to create or customize within your storefront.

Add section in Shopify Dawn Theme

Read more: How to create Shopify Theme Sections

Alternatives to Dawn theme


Kalles theme presents an array of more than fifteen purpose-built demonstrations, each offering an impressive array of features and captivating styles. Tailored for various online businesses, Kalles boasts a modern design, minimalist essence, and a diverse range of specific demonstrations to suit different needs.

Alternative to Shopify Dawn Theme - Kalles

(Image source: The4)


  • Quick Install: The one-click install feature facilitates effortless demo import, enabling users to import the desired demo swiftly and easily add their content. Within minutes, users can customize and publish their content seamlessly.
  • Super Fast Loading Speed: Kalles prioritizes performance with its super-fast loading speed, ensuring an optimal browsing experience for visitors.
  • Responsive and Retina-Ready Design: The theme's responsive and retina-ready design guarantees compatibility and crisp visuals across various devices and screen resolutions.
  • Video Thumbnails, 3D Support, and Showstopping Lookbook: Offering enhanced visual experiences, Kalles supports video thumbnails and 3D elements, enabling dynamic and engaging content presentation. The inclusion of a showstopping lookbook feature elevates the theme, allowing the users to create visually compelling collections that capture attention.

Read more: How to Add a Video Section to Shopify Store

  • 15+ Product Layouts: Users can access a rich array of over 15 product layouts, providing versatility and options for creatively showcasing products.
  • Highly Customizable: Kalles empowers users with extensive customization options, allowing them to tailor the theme according to their specific preferences and branding.


Try Kalles TODAY!


Elessi embodies a clean, modern, user-friendly Shopify Theme explicitly designed for Fashion eCommerce stores. Boasting numerous advanced functionalities, it offers a seamless experience for users, making website building an effortless task without coding knowledge.

Alternative to Shopify Dawn Theme - Elessi

(Image source: The4)


  • 100% Fully Responsive Theme: Elessi ensures full responsiveness across various devices, guaranteeing a consistent and optimized browsing experience for all visitors.
  • Optimized For Speed: Elessi is optimized for speed, ensuring swift loading times and enhancing user engagement.
  • Lookbook: Including a Lookbook feature enables Fashion eCommerce stores to showcase products in visually compelling collections, fostering an engaging shopping experience.

Read more: 11 Best Shopify Theme for Clothing Stores

  • Easy Installation and Setup: Elessi prioritizes user convenience with easy installation and setup procedures, allowing users to get their store up and running quickly.
  • Fully Customizable: Offering a high level of customization, Elessi is fully customizable, enabling users to customize their website to align with their brand concept and preferences effortlessly.
  • 24/7 Support Forum and Contact Form: Users can access continuous support through a 24/7 support forum and contact form, providing assistance and solutions to queries and concerns.


Try Elessi TODAY!

Read more:


The Shopify Dawn Theme embodies minimalist elegance, offering a product-focused design and easy setup, making it a top choice for online retailers. Its strengths lie in sleek aesthetics, user-friendly interface, responsiveness, and customization options.

EComposer, a pivotal addition to Dawn's functionality, empowers users to effortlessly craft and personalize their storefronts through its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, enabling seamless creation without intricate coding knowledge.


Download EComposer NOW!


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